Class EsriFileCsvParser


public final class EsriFileCsvParser extends Object
This class parses a CSV file that defines which elements of shape file(s) need to be drawn and what format to use.

Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See for project information DSOL Manual. The DSOL project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at DSOL License.

The dsol-animation-gis project is based on the gisbeans project that has been part of DSOL since 2002, originally by Peter Jacobs and Paul Jacobs.

Alexander Verbraeck
  • Method Details

    • parseMapFile

      public static GisMapInterface parseMapFile(URL csvUrl, String mapName) throws IOException
      Parses a CSV file with information about the map and layers.
      csvUrl - URL; the url of the CSV file.
      mapName - String; the human readable name of the map
      MapInterface the parsed map file.
      IOException - on failure
    • parseMapFile

      public static GisMapInterface parseMapFile(URL csvUrl, String mapName, CoordinateTransform coordinateTransform) throws IOException
      Parses a CSV file with information about the map and layers.
      csvUrl - URL; the url of the CSV file.
      mapName - String; the human readable name of the map
      coordinateTransform - CoordinateTransform; the transformation of (x, y) coordinates to (x', y') coordinates.
      MapInterface the parsed map file.
      IOException - on failure
    • parseMapFile

      public static GisMapInterface parseMapFile(URL csvUrl, String mapName, CoordinateTransform coordinateTransform, char fieldSeparator, char quoteCharacter) throws IOException
      Parses a CSV file with information about the map and layers. FieldSeparateor can be, for instance \t for a tab character, and the quote character can be the double quote, the single quote, or something else.
      csvUrl - URL; the url of the CSV file.
      mapName - String; the human readable name of the map
      coordinateTransform - CoordinateTransform; the transformation of (x, y) coordinates to (x', y') coordinates.
      fieldSeparator - char; field separator, e.g., comma for csv files and tab for tsv files
      quoteCharacter - char; e.g., single or double quote
      MapInterface the parsed map file.
      IOException - on failure reading the CSV file, the shape files, or making the layers
      IllegalArgumentException - when one of the outline or fill colors can not be parsed
      NumberFormatException - when one of colors contains an illegal number