package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.esri;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.djutils.draw.bounds.Bounds2d;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.DataSourceInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.FeatureInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.GisMapInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.GisObject;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.SerializablePath;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.SerializableRectangle2d;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.transform.CoordinateTransform;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.language.d2.Shape;
* This class reads ESRI-shapefiles and returns the shape objects.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="https://" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
* </p>
* <p>
* The dsol-animation-gis project is based on the gisbeans project that has been part of DSOL since 2002, originally by Peter
* Jacobs and Paul Jacobs.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
public class ShapeFileReader implements DataSourceInterface
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20201223L;
/** the URL for the shape file to be read. */
private URL shpFile = null;
/** the URL for the shape index file to be read. */
private URL shxFile = null;
/** the URL for the dbase-III format file with texts to be read. */
private URL dbfFile = null;
/** the type of shape we are working on. */
private int currentType = GisMapInterface.POLYGON;
/** our DBF reader. */
private DbfReader dbfReader;
/** the NULLSHAPE as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int NULLSHAPE = 0;
/** the POINT as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POINT = 1;
/** the POLYLINE as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYLINE = 3;
/** the POLYGON as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYGON = 5;
/** the MULTIPOINT as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int MULTIPOINT = 8;
/** the POINTZ as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POINTZ = 11;
/** the POLYLINEZ as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYLINEZ = 13;
/** the POLYGONZ as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYGONZ = 15;
/** the MULTIPOINTZ as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int MULTIPOINTZ = 18;
/** the POINM as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POINTM = 21;
/** the POLYLINEM as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYLINEM = 23;
/** the POLYGONM as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int POLYGONM = 25;
/** the MULTIPOINTM as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int MULTIPOINTM = 28;
/** the MULTIPATCH as defined by ESRI. */
public static final int MULTIPATCH = 31;
/** number of shapes in the current file. */
private final int numShapes;
/** an optional transformation of the lat/lon (or other) coordinates. */
private final CoordinateTransform coordinateTransform;
/** the features to read by this OpenStreeetMap reader. */
private final List<FeatureInterface> featuresToRead;
* Construct a reader for an ESRI ShapeFile.
* @param shapeUrl URL; URL may or may not end with their extension.
* @param coordinateTransform CoordinateTransform; the transformation of (x, y) coordinates to (x', y') coordinates.
* @param featuresToRead the features to read
* @throws IOException throws an IOException if the shxFile is not accessible
public ShapeFileReader(final URL shapeUrl, final CoordinateTransform coordinateTransform,
final List<FeatureInterface> featuresToRead) throws IOException
this.coordinateTransform = coordinateTransform;
this.featuresToRead = featuresToRead;
String fileName = shapeUrl.toString();
if (fileName.endsWith(".shp") || fileName.endsWith(".shx") || fileName.endsWith(".dbf"))
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 4);
this.shpFile = new URL(fileName + ".shp");
this.shxFile = new URL(fileName + ".shx");
this.dbfFile = new URL(fileName + ".dbf");
URLConnection connection = this.shxFile.openConnection();
this.numShapes = (connection.getContentLength() - 100) / 8;
this.dbfReader = new DbfReader(this.dbfFile);
catch (IOException exception)
throw new IOException("Can't read " + this.shxFile.toString());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public List<FeatureInterface> getFeatures()
return this.featuresToRead;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void populateShapes() throws IOException
Throw.when(this.featuresToRead.size() != 1, IOException.class,
"Trying to read ESROI shapes, but number of features is not 1");
List<GisObject> shapes = readAllShapes();
* Read a particular shape directly from the shape file, without caching (the cache is stored at the Features).
* @param index int; the index of the shape to read from the shape file, without using any caching
* @return GisObject; the shape belonging to the index
* @throws IOException when there is a problem reading the ESRI files.
public synchronized GisObject readShape(final int index) throws IOException
if (index > this.numShapes || index < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index =" + index + ", while number of shapes in layer :" + this.numShapes);
ObjectEndianInputStream indexInput = new ObjectEndianInputStream(this.shxFile.openStream());
indexInput.skipBytes(8 * index + 100);
int offset = 2 * indexInput.readInt();
ObjectEndianInputStream shapeInput = new ObjectEndianInputStream(this.shpFile.openStream());
Object shape = this.readShape(shapeInput);
return new GisObject(shape, this.dbfReader.getRow(index));
* Read all shapes directly from the shape file, without caching (the cache is stored at the Features).
* @return List<GisObject>; the shapes that are directly read from the shape file
* @throws IOException when there is a problem reading the ESRI files.
public synchronized List<GisObject> readAllShapes() throws IOException
ObjectEndianInputStream shapeInput = new ObjectEndianInputStream(this.shpFile.openStream());
ArrayList<GisObject> results = new ArrayList<>(this.numShapes);
String[][] attributes = this.dbfReader.getRows();
for (int i = 0; i < this.numShapes; i++)
Object shape = this.readShape(shapeInput);
if (shape != null) // skip Null Shape type 0
results.add(new GisObject(shape, attributes[i]));
return results;
* Read all shapes for a certain extent directly from the shape file, without caching (the cache is stored at the Features).
* @param extent Bounds2d; the extent for which to read the shapes
* @return List<GisObject>; the shapes for the given extent that are directly read from the shape file
* @throws IOException when there is a problem reading the ESRI files.
public synchronized List<GisObject> readShapes(final Bounds2d extent) throws IOException
ObjectEndianInputStream shapeInput = new ObjectEndianInputStream(this.shpFile.openStream());
ArrayList<GisObject> results = new ArrayList<>();
String[][] attributes = this.dbfReader.getRows();
for (int i = 0; i < this.numShapes; i++)
int shapeNumber = shapeInput.readInt();
int contentLength = shapeInput.readInt();
// the null type is properly skipped
int type = shapeInput.readInt();
if (type != 0 && type != 1 && type != 11 && type != 21)
double[] min = this.coordinateTransform.doubleTransform(shapeInput.readDouble(), shapeInput.readDouble());
double[] max = this.coordinateTransform.doubleTransform(shapeInput.readDouble(), shapeInput.readDouble());
double minX = Math.min(min[0], max[0]);
double minY = Math.min(min[1], max[1]);
double width = Math.max(min[0], max[0]) - minX;
double height = Math.max(min[1], max[1]) - minY;
SerializableRectangle2d bounds = new SerializableRectangle2d.Double(minX, minY, width, height);
if (Shape.overlaps(extent.toRectangle2D(), bounds))
new GisObject(this.readShape(shapeInput, shapeNumber, contentLength, type, false), attributes[i]));
shapeInput.skipBytes((2 * contentLength) - 36);
else if (type != 0)
Point2D temp = (Point2D) this.readShape(shapeInput, shapeNumber, contentLength, type, false);
if (extent.toRectangle2D().contains(temp))
results.add(new GisObject(temp, attributes[i]));
return results;
* Return the shapes based on a particular value of the attributes.
* @param attribute String; the value of the attribute
* @param columnName String; the columnName
* @return List the resulting ArrayList of <code>nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.gis.GisObject</code>
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
public synchronized List<GisObject> getShapes(final String attribute, final String columnName) throws IOException
List<GisObject> result = new ArrayList<>();
int[] shapeNumbers = this.dbfReader.getRowNumbers(attribute, columnName);
for (int i = 0; i < shapeNumbers.length; i++)
return result;
* Read a shape.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @return Object; the shape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private Object readShape(final ObjectEndianInputStream input) throws IOException
return readShape(input, -1, -1, -1, true);
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the input stream.
* @param fixedShapeNumber int; the shape number, if -1, read from input
* @param fixedContentLength int; the length of the content, if -1, read from input
* @param fixedType int; shape type; if -1, read from input
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the shape
* @throws IOException on I/O error reading from the shape file
private Object readShape(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int fixedShapeNumber, final int fixedContentLength,
final int fixedType, final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
int shapeNumber = fixedShapeNumber == -1 ? input.readInt() : fixedShapeNumber;
int contentLength = fixedContentLength == -1 ? input.readInt() : fixedContentLength;
int type = fixedType == -1 ? input.readInt() : fixedType;
switch (type)
case 0:
return readNullShape(input);
case 1:
return readPoint(input);
case 3:
return readPolyLine(input, skipBoundingBox);
case 5:
return readPolygon(input, skipBoundingBox);
case 8:
return readMultiPoint(input, skipBoundingBox);
case 11:
return readPointZ(input, contentLength);
case 13:
return readPolyLineZ(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 15:
return readPolygonZ(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 18:
return readMultiPointZ(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 21:
return readPointM(input, contentLength);
case 23:
return readPolyLineM(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 25:
return readPolygonM(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 28:
return readMultiPointM(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
case 31:
return readMultiPatch(input, contentLength, skipBoundingBox);
throw new IOException("Unknown shape type or shape type not supported");
* Read a Null Shape.
* <p>
* A shape type of 0 indicates a null shape, with no geometric data for the shape. Each feature type (point, line, polygon,
* etc.) supports nullsĀ¾it is valid to have points and null points in the same shapefile. Often null shapes are place
* holders; they are used during shapefile creation and are populated with geometric data soon after they are created.
* </p>
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @return null to indicate this is not a valid shape
private synchronized Object readNullShape(final ObjectEndianInputStream input)
return null;
* Read a Point.
* <p>
* A point consists of a pair of double-precision coordinates in the order X,Y.
* </p>
* <pre>
* All byte orders are Little Endian.
* Integer ShapeType // byte 0; Value 1 for Point
* Point
* {
* Double X // byte 4; X coordinate (8 bytes)
* Double Y // byte 12; Y coordinate (8 bytes)
* }
* </pre>
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @return Point2D.Double; the point
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPoint(final ObjectEndianInputStream input) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
double[] point = this.coordinateTransform.doubleTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
return new Point2D.Double(point[0], point[1]);
* Read a PolyLine.
* <p>
* A PolyLine is an ordered set of vertices that consists of one or more parts. A part is a connected sequence of two or
* more points. Parts may or may not be connected to one another. Parts may or may not intersect one another. Because this
* specification does not forbid consecutive points with identical coordinates, shapefile readers must handle such cases. On
* the other hand, the degenerate, zero length parts that might result are not allowed.
* </p>
* <pre>
* All byte orders are Little Endian.
* Integer ShapeType // byte 0; Value 8 for PolyLine
* PolyLine
* {
* Double[4] Box // byte 4; Bounding Box, consisting of {Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax} (32 bytes)
* Integer NumParts // byte 36; Number of Parts in the PolyLine (4 bytes)
* Integer NumPoints // byte 40; Total Number of Points, summed for all parts (4 bytes)
* Integer[NumParts] Parts // byte 44; Index array to first point in in the points array (4 * NumParts)
* Point[NumPoints] Points // Points for all parts; no delimiter between points of different parts (16 * NumPoints)
* }
* where a point consists of a pair of double-precision coordinates in the order X,Y.
* Point
* {
* Double X // X coordinate (8 bytes)
* Double Y // Y coordinate (8 bytes)
* }
* </pre>
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the shape as a SerializablePath
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolyLine(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final boolean skipBoundingBox)
throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.LINE;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
return result;
* reads a Polygon.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolygon(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final boolean skipBoundingBox)
throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POLYGON;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
return result;
* reads a readMultiPoint.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readMultiPoint(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final boolean skipBoundingBox)
throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
if (skipBoundingBox)
Point2D[] result = new Point2D.Double[input.readInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] = (Point2D) readPoint(input);
return result;
* reads a readPointZ.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPointZ(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
Object point = this.readPoint(input);
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - 20);
return point;
* reads a readPolyLineZ.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolyLineZ(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.LINE;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int byteCounter = 44;
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
byteCounter += 4;
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readPolygonZ.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolygonZ(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POLYGON;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int byteCounter = 44;
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
byteCounter += 4;
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readMultiPointZ.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readMultiPointZ(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
if (skipBoundingBox)
Point2D[] result = new Point2D.Double[input.readInt()];
int byteCounter = 40;
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] = (Point2D) readPoint(input);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readPointM.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPointM(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
Object point = this.readPoint(input);
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - 20);
return point;
* reads a readPolyLineM.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolyLineM(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.LINE;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int byteCounter = 44;
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
byteCounter += 4;
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readPolyLineM.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readPolygonM(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POLYGON;
if (skipBoundingBox)
int numParts = input.readInt();
int numPoints = input.readInt();
int byteCounter = 44;
int[] partBegin = new int[numParts + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < partBegin.length - 1; i++)
partBegin[i] = input.readInt();
byteCounter += 4;
partBegin[partBegin.length - 1] = numPoints;
SerializablePath result = new SerializablePath(Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO, numPoints);
for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
float[] mf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.moveTo(mf[0], mf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
for (int ii = (partBegin[i] + 1); ii < partBegin[i + 1]; ii++)
float[] lf = this.coordinateTransform.floatTransform(input.readDouble(), input.readDouble());
result.lineTo(lf[0], lf[1]);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readMultiPointM.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readMultiPointM(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
this.currentType = GisMapInterface.POINT;
if (skipBoundingBox)
Point2D[] result = new Point2D.Double[input.readInt()];
int byteCounter = 40;
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++)
result[i] = (Point2D) readPoint(input);
byteCounter += 16;
input.skipBytes((contentLength * 2) - byteCounter);
return result;
* reads a readMultiPatch.
* @param input ObjectEndianInputStream; the inputStream
* @param contentLength int; the contentLength
* @param skipBoundingBox boolean; whether to skip the bytes of the bounding box because they have not yet been read
* @return the java2D PointShape
* @throws IOException on file IO or database connection failure
private synchronized Object readMultiPatch(final ObjectEndianInputStream input, final int contentLength,
final boolean skipBoundingBox) throws IOException
if (input != null || contentLength != 0 || skipBoundingBox)
throw new IOException(
"Please inform <a href=\"\"></a> that you need MultiPatch support");
return null;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isDynamic()
return false; // OSM data is static
* Return the key names of the attribute data. The attribute values are stored in the GisObject together with the shape.
* @return String[]; the key names of the attribute data
public String[] getAttributeKeyNames()
return this.dbfReader.getColumnNames();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public URL getURL()
return this.shpFile;