All Classes and Interfaces

ColorParser parses a string that contains a color as rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a), or hex #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa.
Transforms an (x, y) coordinate to a new (x', y') coordinate.
The identical transformation (x,y) => (x,y).
Feature contains an element of a layer, defined by a key value combination, with its own colors.
TODO: minimum scale and maximum scale to draw features has to be added again, but first, scale needs to be defined properly.
Provides the implementation of a Map.
This is an implementation of the LayerInterface that just stores the basic metadata for each layer.
This class defines the map image, which acts as the basic 'canvas' for the drawing process.
The SerializablePath class is a serializable version of the java.awt.geom.Path2D.Float class.