package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.d2;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import org.djutils.draw.bounds.Bounds2d;
import org.djutils.draw.bounds.Bounds3d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.OrientedPoint3d;
import org.djutils.draw.point.Point3d;
import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.Locatable;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.animation.StaticLocation3d;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.Contextualized;
* An abstract class for state-dependent image renderables.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="https://" target="_blank">
* https://</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Peter Jacobs </a>
* @since 1.5
* @param <L> the Locatable class of the source that indicates the location of the Renderable on the screen
public abstract class ImageRenderable<L extends Locatable> extends Renderable2d<L>
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20200108L;
/** the cache of imageIcons. */
private static transient Map<URL, ImageIcon> cache = new LinkedHashMap<URL, ImageIcon>();
/** LEFT-BOTTOM location. */
public static final short LB = -4;
/** CENTER-BOTTOM location. */
public static final short CB = -3;
/** RIGHT-BOTTOM location. */
public static final short RB = -2;
/** LEFT-CENTER location. */
public static final short LC = -1;
/** CENTER-CENTER location. */
public static final short CC = 0;
/** RIGHT-CENTER location. */
public static final short RC = 1;
/** LEFT-TOP location. */
public static final short LT = 2;
/** CENTER-TOP location. */
public static final short CT = 3;
/** RIGHT-TOP location. */
public static final short RT = 4;
/** the imageIcons to use. */
protected URL[] imageUrls = null;
/** the imageIcons to be used. */
protected transient ImageIcon[] imageIcons = null;
/** the origin of the image. */
protected short orientation = ImageRenderable.CC;
* constructs a new ImageRenderable.
* @param source T; the source to be animated.
* @param contextProvider Contextualized; the object that can provide the context to store the animation objects
* @param images URL[]; the image urls.
public ImageRenderable(final L source, final Contextualized contextProvider, final URL[] images)
super(source, contextProvider);
* reads and caches the images.
* @param images URL[]; the images
private void readImages(final URL[] images)
this.imageUrls = images;
this.imageIcons = new ImageIcon[images.length];
for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
if (ImageRenderable.cache.containsKey(images[i]))
this.imageIcons[i] = ImageRenderable.cache.get(images[i]);
this.imageIcons[i] = new ImageIcon(images[i]);
ImageRenderable.cache.put(images[i], this.imageIcons[i]);
* constructs a new ImageRenderable.
* @param staticLocation OrientedPoint3d; the static location of the set of imageIcons
* @param size Bounds3; the size of the imageIcons in world coordinates.
* @param contextProvider Contextualized; the object that can provide the context to store the animation objects
* @param images URL[]; the imageIcons to display.
public ImageRenderable(final OrientedPoint3d staticLocation, final Bounds3d size, final Contextualized contextProvider,
final URL[] images)
this((L) new StaticLocation3d(staticLocation, size), contextProvider, images);
* constructs a new ImageRenderable.
* @param staticLocation Point3d; the static location of the set of imageIcons
* @param size Bounds3d; the size of the imageIcons in world coordinates.
* @param contextProvider Contextualized; the object that can provide the context to store the animation objects
* @param images URL[]; the imageIcons to display.
public ImageRenderable(final Point3d staticLocation, final Bounds3d size, final Contextualized contextProvider,
final URL[] images)
this((L) new StaticLocation3d(new OrientedPoint3d(staticLocation.getX(), staticLocation.getY(), 0.0),
new Bounds3d(size.getDeltaX(), size.getDeltaY(), 0.0)), contextProvider, images);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void paint(final Graphics2D graphics, final ImageObserver observer)
if (getSource().getLocation() == null)
int image = this.selectImage();
if (this.imageIcons == null || this.imageIcons[image] == null
|| this.imageIcons[image].getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
Bounds2d size = BoundsUtil.projectBounds(getSource().getLocation(), getSource().getBounds());
Point2D origin = this.resolveOrigin(this.orientation, size);
graphics.translate(origin.getX(), origin.getY());
graphics.scale(0.001, 0.001);
graphics.drawImage(this.imageIcons[image].getImage(), 0, 0, (int) (1000 * size.getDeltaX()),
(int) (1000 * size.getDeltaY()), observer);
graphics.scale(1000, 1000);
graphics.translate(-origin.getX(), -origin.getY());
catch (RemoteException exception)
* selects the image. This methods makes the ImageRenderable state dependent. One is required to return the index number of
* the imageIcons[] which has to be drawn.
* @return int the current (state-dependent) image.
public abstract int selectImage();
* @param orientation short; The orientation to set.
public void setOrientation(final short orientation)
this.orientation = orientation;
* @return Returns the imageIcons.
public ImageIcon[] getImages()
return this.imageIcons;
* resolves the origin of the image.
* @param forOrientation short; the orientation (CC,..)
* @return Bounds2d the location
* @param size Dimension; the size of the image.
protected Point2D resolveOrigin(final short forOrientation, final Bounds2d size)
Point2D imageOrigin = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 0.0);
switch (forOrientation)
case ImageRenderable.LB:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX(), imageOrigin.getY() - size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.CB:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaX(), imageOrigin.getY() - size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.RB:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 1.0 * size.getDeltaX(), imageOrigin.getY() - size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.LC:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX(), imageOrigin.getY() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.CC:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaX(),
imageOrigin.getY() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.RC:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 1.0 * size.getDeltaX(),
imageOrigin.getY() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.LT:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX(), imageOrigin.getY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.CT:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 0.5 * size.getDeltaX(), imageOrigin.getY());
return imageOrigin;
case ImageRenderable.RT:
imageOrigin.setLocation(imageOrigin.getX() - 1.0 * size.getDeltaX(), imageOrigin.getY());
return imageOrigin;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown origin location");
* Returns the orientation of this image to the point [0,0]. Orientations are either LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT and TOP, CENTER, or
* BOTTOM. An example is thus ImageRenderable.RT.
* @return the orientation of this image
public short getOrientation()
return this.orientation;
* writes a serializable object to stream.
* @param out ObjectOutputStream; the outputstream
* @throws IOException on IOException
private synchronized void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
* reads a serializable object from stream.
* @param in; the inputstream
* @throws IOException on IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class of a serialized objectcould not be found
private synchronized void readObject(final in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (ImageRenderable.cache == null)
ImageRenderable.cache = new LinkedHashMap<URL, ImageIcon>();