Interface StreamUpdater

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleStreamUpdater, StreamSeedUpdater

public interface StreamUpdater extends Serializable
The StreamUpdater interface describes how to update the seed values for the next replication.

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Alexander Verbraeck
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    updateSeed(String streamId, StreamInterface stream, int replicationNumber)
    Update one seed for the given streamId and replication number.
    default void
    updateSeeds(Map<String,StreamInterface> streams, int replicationNumber)
    Update all seeds for the given replication number.
  • Method Details

    • updateSeeds

      default void updateSeeds(Map<String,StreamInterface> streams, int replicationNumber)
      Update all seeds for the given replication number. The method should be fully reproducible, and can be based on the previous seed values, possibly the String representation, and the replication number.
      streams - Map<String, StreamIterface>; the map of the streams for the replication
      replicationNumber - int; the replication number for which to set the seed values
    • updateSeed

      void updateSeed(String streamId, StreamInterface stream, int replicationNumber)
      Update one seed for the given streamId and replication number. The method should be fully reproducible, and can be based on the previous seed value of the stream, possibly the String representation, and the replication number.
      streamId - String; the id of the stream to update
      stream - StreamInterface; the stream to update for this replication
      replicationNumber - int; the replication number for which to set the seed value