package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.experiment;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.djutils.event.Event;
import org.djutils.event.EventListener;
import org.djutils.event.EventType;
import org.djutils.event.LocalEventProducer;
import org.djutils.event.reference.ReferenceType;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
import org.djutils.metadata.MetaData;
import org.djutils.stats.summarizers.Tally;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.model.DsolModel;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.statistics.SimCounter;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.statistics.SimPersistent;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.statistics.SimTally;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.statistics.SimulationStatistic;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.ContextInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.Contextualized;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.event.InitialEventContext;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.util.ContextUtil;
* The Experiment specifies the parameters for a number of simulation replications, and can execute a series of replications.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="https://simulation.tudelft.nl/dsol/manual/" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="https://simulation.tudelft.nl/dsol/docs/latest/license.html" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
* </p>
* @author Alexander Verbraeck relative types are the same.
* @param <T> the time type
* @param <S> the simulator to use
public class Experiment<T extends Number & Comparable<T>, S extends SimulatorInterface<T>> extends LocalEventProducer
implements EventListener, Treatment<T>, Contextualized
/** The default serial version UID for serializable classes. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** START_EXPERIMENT_EVENT is fired when the experiment starts. */
public static final EventType START_EXPERIMENT_EVENT =
new EventType(new MetaData("START_EXPERIMENT_EVENT", "Start of experiment"));
/** END_EXPERIMENT_EVENT is fired when the experiment is ended. */
public static final EventType END_EXPERIMENT_EVENT =
new EventType(new MetaData("END_EXPERIMENT_EVENT", "End of experiment"));
/** The started replications of this experiment. */
private List<ExperimentReplication<T, S>> startedReplications = new ArrayList<>();
/** The simulator that will execute the replications. */
private final S simulator;
/** The model that has to be executed. */
private final DsolModel<T, ? extends S> model;
/** The current replication. */
private int currentReplicationNumber = -1;
/** the run control for the replication. */
private final ExperimentRunControl<T> runControl;
/** The Experiment context. */
private ContextInterface context;
/** The class that updates the seeds of the streams between replications. */
private StreamUpdater streamUpdater = new SimpleStreamUpdater();
/** The worker thread to carry out the experiment. */
private ExperimentThread experimentThread;
/** is the simulation experiment running? */
private boolean running = false;
* The summary statistics over multiple replications. The table maps the name of the statistic to a map of fields to tallies
* that contain the statistics of the tallied values. Suppose we run a model with 10 replications, which has a tally named
* "waiting time". Then there will be an entry in this table called "waiting time" as well. This "waiting time" maps to
* several sub-maps, such as "N", "Population mean", "Population variance", "Min", "Max", etc. Each of these is a Tally for
* which the final values of the replications for that value have been tallied. The "Population Mean" for "waiting time" in
* this example therefore contains the average of the 10 average waiting times that have been alculated in the 10
* replications.
private SortedMap<String, SortedMap<String, Tally>> summaryStatistics = new TreeMap<>();
* Construct a new Experiment.
* @param id String; the id of the experiment
* @param simulator S; the simulator
* @param model DsolModel<T, S>; the model to experiment with
* @param startTime T; the start time of the simulation.
* @param warmupPeriod R; the warmup period, included in the runlength (!)
* @param runLength R; the total length of the run, including the warm-up period.
* @param numberOfReplications int; the number of replications to execute
* @throws NullPointerException when id, startTime, warmupPeriod or runLength is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when warmup period is negative, or run length is zero or negative, or when the warmup
* time is longer than or equal to the runlength, or the number of replications is zero or negative
public Experiment(final String id, final S simulator, final DsolModel<T, ? extends S> model, final T startTime,
final T warmupPeriod, final T runLength, final int numberOfReplications)
this(simulator, model, new ExperimentRunControl<T>(id, startTime, warmupPeriod, runLength, numberOfReplications));
* Construct a new Experiment, using a RunControl to store the run control information.
* @param simulator S; the simulator
* @param model DsolModel<T, S>; the model to experiment with
* @param runControl ExperimentRunControl; the run control information
* @throws NullPointerException when id, startTime, warmupPeriod or runLength is null
public Experiment(final S simulator, final DsolModel<T, ? extends S> model, final ExperimentRunControl<T> runControl)
Throw.whenNull(simulator, "simulator cannot be null");
Throw.whenNull(model, "model cannot be null");
Throw.whenNull(runControl, "runControl cannot be null");
this.runControl = runControl;
this.simulator = simulator;
this.model = model;
public RunControl<T> getRunControl()
return this.runControl;
* Return the simulator.
* @return S; the simulator
public S getSimulator()
return this.simulator;
* Return the model.
* @return DsolModel; the model
public DsolModel<T, ? extends S> getModel()
return this.model;
* Return the list of started replications. Not all replications might have finished yet.
* @return List<Replication<T, S>>; the list of started replications
public List<? extends ExperimentReplication<T, S>> getStartedReplications()
return this.startedReplications;
* Start the extire experiment on a simulator, and execute ehe replications one by one.
* @throws RemoteException on network error if started by RMI
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when there are no more replications to run, or when the simulator is already running
public synchronized void start() throws RemoteException
Throw.when(this.currentReplicationNumber >= getNumberOfReplications() - 1, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Experiment: No more replications");
Throw.when(this.simulator.isStartingOrRunning(), IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Simulator for experiment running -- Experiment cannot be started");
this.fireEvent(Experiment.START_EXPERIMENT_EVENT, null);
this.experimentThread = new ExperimentThread(this);
this.running = true;
* Start the next replication from the list of replications, or fire END_EXPERIMENT_EVENT when there are no more
* non-executed replications.
* @throws RemoteException on network error if started by RMI
protected void startNextReplication() throws RemoteException
Throw.when(this.currentReplicationNumber >= getNumberOfReplications() - 1, IllegalArgumentException.class,
"Trying to run replication beyond given number");
ExperimentReplication<T, S> replication = makeExperimentReplication();
this.streamUpdater.updateSeeds(this.model.getStreams(), this.currentReplicationNumber);
this.simulator.initialize(getModel(), replication);
this.simulator.addListener(this, Replication.END_REPLICATION_EVENT, ReferenceType.STRONG);
* Fire the end Experiment event.
protected void endExperiment()
this.fireEvent(Experiment.END_EXPERIMENT_EVENT, null);
this.running = false;
* Create a new replication for an experiment. This method can be overridden in the inner classes.
* @return ExperimentReplication; a new replication for an experiment
protected ExperimentReplication<T, S> makeExperimentReplication()
return new ExperimentReplication<T, S>(this.runControl, this, this.currentReplicationNumber);
public void notify(final Event event) throws RemoteException
if (event.getType().equals(Replication.END_REPLICATION_EVENT))
fireEvent(event); // propagate the END_REPLICATION_EVENT from the experiment
* Reset the experiment so it can be run again.
public void reset()
this.currentReplicationNumber = -1;
for (ExperimentReplication<T, S> replication : this.startedReplications)
this.summaryStatistics = new TreeMap<>();
* Create or update summary statistics for the experiment based on the statistics of the just completed replication.
protected void endReplication()
for (SimulationStatistic<T> stat : this.model.getOutputStatistics())
if (stat instanceof SimCounter)
SimCounter<T> counter = (SimCounter<T>) stat;
addSummaryStatistic(counter.getDescription(), "N", counter.getN());
addSummaryStatistic(counter.getDescription(), "Count", counter.getCount());
else if (stat instanceof SimTally)
SimTally<T> tally = (SimTally<T>) stat;
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "N", tally.getN());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "Max", tally.getMax());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "Min", tally.getMin());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationExcessKurtosis", tally.getPopulationExcessKurtosis());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationKurtosis", tally.getPopulationKurtosis());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationMean", tally.getPopulationMean());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationSkewness", tally.getPopulationSkewness());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationStDev", tally.getPopulationStDev());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "PopulationVariance", tally.getPopulationVariance());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleExcessKurtosis", tally.getSampleExcessKurtosis());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleKurtosis", tally.getSampleKurtosis());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleMean", tally.getSampleMean());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleSkewness", tally.getSampleSkewness());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleStDev", tally.getSampleStDev());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "SampleVariance", tally.getSampleVariance());
addSummaryStatistic(tally.getDescription(), "Sum", tally.getSum());
else if (stat instanceof SimPersistent) // includes Utilization
SimPersistent<T> persistent = (SimPersistent<T>) stat;
// note that the last value has to be stored for the end simulation time, otherwise we have a 'gap' at the end
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "N", persistent.getN());
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "Max", persistent.getMax());
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "Min", persistent.getMin());
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedPopulationMean",
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedPopulationStDev",
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedPopulationVariance",
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedSampleMean", persistent.getWeightedSampleMean());
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedSampleStDev", persistent.getWeightedSampleStDev());
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedSampleVariance",
addSummaryStatistic(persistent.getDescription(), "WeightedSum", persistent.getWeightedSum());
CategoryLogger.always().warn("Unknown statistic for summary statistics: " + stat.getClass().getSimpleName());
* Tally a value in a summary statistic over multiple replications.
* @param statistic String; the name of the statistic
* @param field String; the name of the field for the summary statistic
* @param value double; the value to tally by the summary statistic
protected void addSummaryStatistic(final String statistic, final String field, final double value)
SortedMap<String, Tally> fieldMap = this.summaryStatistics.get(statistic);
if (fieldMap == null)
fieldMap = new TreeMap<>();
this.summaryStatistics.put(statistic, fieldMap);
Tally summaryTally = fieldMap.get(field);
if (summaryTally == null)
summaryTally = new Tally(field);
fieldMap.put(field, summaryTally);
if (!Double.isNaN(value))
* The summary statistics over multiple replications. The table maps the name of the statistic to a map of fields to tallies
* that contain the statistics of the tallied values. Suppose we run a model with 10 replications, which has a tally named
* "waiting time". Then there will be an entry in this table called "waiting time" as well. This "waiting time" maps to
* several sub-maps, such as "N", "Population mean", "Population variance", "Min", "Max", etc. Each of these is a Tally for
* which the final values of the replications for that value have been tallied. The "Population Mean" for "waiting time" in
* this example therefore contains the average of the 10 average waiting times that have been alculated in the 10
* replications.
* @return summaryStatistics SortedMap<String, SortedMap<String, Tally>>; the summary statistics
public SortedMap<String, SortedMap<String, Tally>> getSummaryStatistics()
return this.summaryStatistics;
* Return the current (running or finished) replication.
* @return int; the current replication (still running or finished in case of last replication)
public int getCurrentReplication()
return this.currentReplicationNumber;
public ContextInterface getContext()
if (this.context == null)
ContextInterface rootContext = InitialEventContext.instantiate("root");
this.context = ContextUtil.lookupOrCreateSubContext(rootContext, this.runControl.getId());
return this.context;
catch (RemoteException | NamingException exception)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot destroy context for replication. Error is: " + exception.getMessage());
* Remove the entire experiment tree from the context.
public void removeFromContext()
if (this.context != null)
ContextInterface rootContext = InitialEventContext.instantiate("root");
ContextUtil.destroySubContext(rootContext, this.runControl.getId());
catch (RemoteException | NamingException exception)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot destroy context for replication. Error is: " + exception.getMessage());
* Return the current stream updater.
* @return streamUpdater StreamUpdater; the current stream updater
public StreamUpdater getStreamUpdater()
return this.streamUpdater;
* Set a new StreamUpdater to update the random seeds between replications.
* @param streamUpdater StreamUpdater; the new stream updater
public void setStreamUpdater(final StreamUpdater streamUpdater)
this.streamUpdater = streamUpdater;
* Return the current replication number, which is -1 if the experiment has not yet started.
* @return int; the current replication number
public int getCurrentReplicationNumber()
return this.currentReplicationNumber;
* Return the total number of replications to execute.
* @return int; the total number of replications to execute
public int getNumberOfReplications()
return this.runControl.getNumberOfReplications();
* Return whether the experiment is running or not.
* @return boolean; whether the experiment is running or not
public boolean isRunning()
return this.running;
public String toString()
return "Experiment[" + getDescription() + " ; simulator=" + this.simulator.getClass().getTypeName() + "]";
/* ********************************************************************************************************* */
/* ************************************** EXPERIMENT RUNNER CLASS ****************************************** */
/* ********************************************************************************************************* */
/** The ExperimentRunner job. */
protected static class ExperimentThread extends Thread
/** the experiment. */
private final Experiment<?, ?> experiment;
* Construct the ExperimentRunner with a pointer to the Experiment.
* @param experiment Experiment; the experiment
public ExperimentThread(final Experiment<?, ?> experiment)
this.experiment = experiment;
public void run()
synchronized (this)
while (this.experiment.getCurrentReplicationNumber() < this.experiment.getNumberOfReplications() - 1)
wait(); // wait for END_REPLICATION event
catch (RemoteException e)
catch (InterruptedException ie)
Thread.interrupted(); // clear the interrupted flag
// start next replication.