package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import org.djutils.event.EventProducer;
import org.djutils.event.EventType;
import org.djutils.metadata.MetaData;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Level;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.experiment.Replication;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.logger.SimLogger;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.model.DsolModel;
* The SimulatorInterface defines the behavior of the simulators in the DSOL framework. The simulator is defined as the
* computational object capable of executing the model. The simulator is therefore an object which must can be stopped, paused,
* started, reset, etc.<br>
* <br>
* The START_REPLICATION_EVENT, WARMUP_EVENT, and END_REPLICATION_EVENT are fired exactly one time per replication. Note that
* the WARMUP_EVENT is fired right after the START_REPLICATION_EVENT when the warmup time is zero. The START_EVENT, STOP_EVENT
* and STEP_EVENT should only be fired between the start of the replication and the end of the replication. The START_EVENT and
* STEP_EVENT should only be fired when the simulator is not running (and then started or stepped); the STOP_EVENT should only
* be fired when the simulator is running (and then stopped).<br>
* <br>
* The TIME_CHANGED_EVENT should only be fired once when the simulation time has changed. For event-based simulators, it should
* not be fired at every event but only when the event is executed at a different time than the previous event.<br>
* <br>
* The typical event sequence for a simulation execution is shown below. All events are fired from the run() thread except for
* the STARTING_EVENT (fired when the start of a model is initiated from the UI or main thread), the STOPPING_EVENT (fired when
* the stop of a model is initiated from the UI or main thread), and the STEP_EVENT (fired when executing a single step of a
* model, initiated from the UI or main thread).
* <pre>
* ... wait for experimentalFram.start() method being called
* TIME_CHANGED_EVENT (several times)
* TIME_CHANGED_EVENT (several times)
* TIME_CHANGED_EVENT (several times)
* TIME_CHANGED_EVENT (several times)
* </pre>
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a> relative types are the same.
* @param <T> the extended simulation time type to be able to implement a comparator on the simulation time.
public interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> extends Remote, Serializable, EventProducer
/** STARTING_EVENT is fired when the simulator.start() method is called (the run() method still needs to start). */
EventType STARTING_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("STARTING_EVENT", "simulator starting"));
/** START_EVENT is fired when the simulator is started. */
EventType START_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("START_EVENT", "simulator started"));
/** STOPPING_EVENT is fired when the simulator.stop() method is called (the run() method still needs to be stopped). */
EventType STOPPING_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("STOPPING_EVENT", "simulator stopping"));
/** STOP_EVENT is fired when the simulator is stopped. */
EventType STOP_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("STOP_EVENT", "simulator stopped"));
/** TIME_CHANGED_EVENT is fired when the simulatorTime is updated. */
EventType TIME_CHANGED_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("TIME_CHANGED_EVENT", "time changed"));
* Returns the absolute simulator time.
* @return the simulator time.
T getSimulatorTime();
* Returns the currently executed replication, or null when the initialize method has not yet been called.
* @return Replication<T>; the current replication, or null when the model has not yet been initialized
Replication<T> getReplication();
* Returns the currently executed model, or null when the initialize method has not yet been called.
* @return DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface>; the currently executed model, or null when the model has not
* yet been initialized
DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> getModel();
* Add a method call that has to be performed at the end if initialize, and before the model starts. This can, for instance,
* be used to schedule the execution of simulation events before initialize has been called, and solved the problem that,
* for discrete event simulators, the scheduleEvent(...) methods cannot be called before initialize().
* @param target Object; the target on which the method needs to be executed
* @param method String; the name of the method to call on initialization of the model
* @param args Object[]; the arguments of the method. Use <code>new Object[] {}</code> for no arguments.
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever the event is scheduled in the past.
void addScheduledMethodOnInitialize(Object target, String method, Object[] args) throws SimRuntimeException;
* Add a method call that has to be performed at the end if initialize, and before the model starts. This can, for instance,
* be used to schedule the execution of simulation events before initialize has been called, and solved the problem that,
* for discrete event simulators, the scheduleEvent(...) methods cannot be called before initialize().
* @param source Object; the source of the scheduled event
* @param target Object; the target on which the method needs to be executed
* @param method String; the name of the method to call on initialization of the model
* @param args Object[]; the arguments of the method. Use <code>new Object[] {}</code> for no arguments.
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever the event is scheduled in the past.
default void addScheduledMethodOnInitialize(final Object source, final Object target, final String method, final Object[] args)
throws SimRuntimeException
addScheduledMethodOnInitialize(target, method, args);
* Initializes the simulator with a replication for a model. It immediately fires a START_REPLICATION_EVENT and a
* TIME_CHANGED_EVENT with the starting time. It does not yet fire a WARMUP_EVENT in case the warmup time is zero; this will
* only be done after the simulator has been started. Note that the listeners of all statistics objects are removed when the
* simulator is initialized with the replication. Connecting the statistics objects to the simulation should be done between
* the initialize(...) method and starting the simulator, or could even be delayed till the WARMUP_EVENT has been fired.
* @param model DsolModel<T, S>; the model to initialize
* @param replication Replication<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>>; the replication to use for running the
* model
* @throws SimRuntimeException when the simulator is running
void initialize(DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> model, Replication<T> replication)
throws SimRuntimeException;
* Clean up the simulator after a replication. Remove the worker thread.
void cleanUp();
* Starts the simulator, and fire a START_EVENT that the simulator was started. Note that when the simulator was already
* started an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired. The start uses the RunUntil property with a value of the
* end time of the replication whenstarting the simulator.
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting an already started simulator
void start() throws SimRuntimeException;
* Steps the simulator, and fire a STEP_EVENT to indicate the simulator made a step. Note that when the simulator is running
* an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired.
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever stepping fails. Possible occasions include stepping an already running simulator
void step() throws SimRuntimeException;
* Stops the simulator, and fire a STOP_EVENT that the simulator was stopped. Note that when the simulator was already
* stopped an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired.
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever stopping fails. Possible occasions include stopping an already stopped simulator
void stop() throws SimRuntimeException;
* Runs the simulator up to a certain time; any events at that time, or the solving of the differential equation at that
* timestep, will not yet be executed.
* @param stopTime T; the absolute time till when we want to run the simulation, coded as a SimTime object
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting a started simulator
void runUpTo(T stopTime) throws SimRuntimeException;
* Runs the simulator up to a certain time; all events at that time, or the solving of the differential equation at that
* timestep, will be executed.
* @param stopTime T; the absolute time till when we want to run the simulation, coded as a SimTime object
* @throws SimRuntimeException whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting a started simulator
void runUpToAndIncluding(T stopTime) throws SimRuntimeException;
* End the replication before the official ending time. When the simulation is running, it will fire a STOP_EVENT followed
* by an END_REPLICATION_EVENT, and will stop the running of the simulator, moving the RunState and the ReplicatioNState
* both to the ENDED state. When the simulation time is not equal to or larger than the length of the replication, a logger
* warning is given, but the method is fully executed. In that case it does set the simulation time to the end time of the
* replication, to avoid restarting of the simulator.
* @throws SimRuntimeException when the simulator had already terminated, or is not initialized
void endReplication() throws SimRuntimeException;
* Get the logger for a simulator. Since the loggers display the simulator time, each logger that runs in the same JVM needs
* to have its own logger.
* @return SimLogger; the logger that is specific for this simulator
SimLogger getLogger();
* Get the run state of the simulator.
* @return RunState; the run state of the simulator
RunState getRunState();
* isInitialized is true from the moment that the Simulator has been initialized with the Replication till the moment that
* the replication has ended.
* @return boolean; whether the Simulator has been initialized with a Replication
default boolean isInitialized()
return getRunState() != RunState.NOT_INITIALIZED;
* isStartingOrRunning is true between the moment the start has been initiated, till the moment the stop has been initiated.
* It includes the STARTING state and the STARTED state.
* @return boolean; whether the Simulator has been started or has successfully started, and has not yet been stopped
default boolean isStartingOrRunning()
return getRunState() == RunState.STARTED || getRunState() == RunState.STARTING;
* isStoppingOrStopped is true for all states where it has not been started or it is not running. It includes all states
* except the STARTING state and the STARTED state.
* @return boolean; whether the Simulator has not been started and is not running
default boolean isStoppingOrStopped()
return !isStartingOrRunning();
* Get the replication state of the simulator.
* @return ReplicationState; the replication state of the simulator
ReplicationState getReplicationState();
* Return the current error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent.
* @return errorStrategy ErrorStrategy; the current error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
ErrorStrategy getErrorStrategy();
* Set the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent, using the default error log level.
* @param errorStrategy ErrorStrategy; the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
void setErrorStrategy(ErrorStrategy errorStrategy);
* Set the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent.
* @param newErrorStrategy ErrorStrategy; the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
* @param newErrorLogLevel Level; the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
void setErrorStrategy(ErrorStrategy newErrorStrategy, Level newErrorLogLevel);
* Return the current error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors.
* @return Level; the current error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
Level getErrorLogLevel();
* Set the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors.
* @param errorLogLevel Level; the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
void setErrorLogLevel(Level errorLogLevel);