package nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.statistics;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.djutils.event.Event;
import org.djutils.event.EventProducer;
import org.djutils.event.EventType;
import org.djutils.event.TimedEvent;
import org.djutils.event.reference.ReferenceType;
import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
import org.djutils.metadata.MetaData;
import org.djutils.metadata.ObjectDescriptor;
import org.djutils.stats.summarizers.event.EventBasedTally;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.experiment.Replication;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.model.DsolModel;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.SimulatorInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.ContextInterface;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.util.ContextUtil;
* The simulator aware Tally extends the djutils event-based tally and links it to the dsol framework.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Peter Jacobs </a>
* @param <T> the absolute simulation time to use in the warmup event
public class SimTally<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> extends EventBasedTally implements SimulationStatistic<T>
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 20140804L;
/** the simulator. */
private SimulatorInterface<T> simulator = null;
/** OBSERVATION_ADDED_EVENT is fired whenever an observation is processed. */
public static final EventType TIMED_OBSERVATION_ADDED_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("TIMED_OBSERVATION_ADDED_EVENT",
"observation added to Tally", new ObjectDescriptor("value", "Observation value", Double.class)));
/** INITIALIZED_EVENT is fired whenever a Tally is (re-)initialized. */
public static final EventType TIMED_INITIALIZED_EVENT = new EventType(new MetaData("TIMED_INITIALIZED_EVENT",
"Tally initialized", new ObjectDescriptor("simTally", "Tally object", SimTally.class)));
* constructs a new SimTally.
* @param description String; refers to the description of this Tally.
* @param model DsolModel<T, SimulatorInterface<T>>; the model
public SimTally(final String description, final DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> model)
Throw.whenNull(model, "model cannot be null");
this.simulator = model.getSimulator();
// only if we are before the warmup time, subscribe to the warmul event
if (this.simulator.getSimulatorTime().compareTo(this.simulator.getReplication().getWarmupTime()) < 0)
this.simulator.addListener(this, Replication.WARMUP_EVENT, ReferenceType.STRONG);
ContextInterface context =
ContextUtil.lookupOrCreateSubContext(this.simulator.getReplication().getContext(), "statistics");
catch (NamingException | RemoteException exception)
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "<init>");
* constructs a new SimTally based on an eventType for which statistics are sampled.
* @param description String; the description of this tally.
* @param model DsolModel<T, SimulatorInterface<T>>; the model
* @param target EventProducer; the target on which to subscribe
* @param eventType EventType; the eventType for which statistics are sampled
public SimTally(final String description, final DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> model,
final EventProducer target, final EventType eventType)
this(description, model);
target.addListener(this, eventType, ReferenceType.STRONG);
catch (RemoteException exception)
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "<init>");
public void initialize()
// note that when initialize() is called from the (super) constructor, there cannot be listeners yet
if (this.simulator != null)
fireTimedEvent(TIMED_INITIALIZED_EVENT, this, this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
catch (RemoteException exception)
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "initialize()");
@SuppressWarnings({"checkstyle:designforextension", "unchecked"})
public void notify(final Event event)
if (event.getType().equals(Replication.WARMUP_EVENT))
this.simulator.removeListener(this, Replication.WARMUP_EVENT);
catch (RemoteException exception)
else if (event instanceof TimedEvent<?>)
TimedEvent<?> timedEvent = (TimedEvent<?>) event;
if (timedEvent.getTimeStamp() instanceof Number)
// Tally can handle Number (and therefore also Time and Duration) and Calendar but not SimTime
super.notify(new TimedEvent<T>(timedEvent.getType(), timedEvent.getContent(), ((T) timedEvent.getTimeStamp())));
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn("SimPersistent: event not a TimedEvent");
public double register(final double value)
fireTimedEvent(TIMED_OBSERVATION_ADDED_EVENT, value, this.simulator.getSimulatorTime());
catch (RemoteException exception)
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "register()");
return value;
public SimulatorInterface<T> getSimulator()
return this.simulator;