package nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.ode.integrators;
import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.ode.DifferentialEquationInterface;
* The CachingNumericalIntegrator is the basis for an integrator that needs access to previously calculated values of y', e.g.
* y'_(k-1), y'_(k-2), etc.
* <p>
* Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
* for project information <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
* project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
* <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
* </p>
* @author <a href="" target="_blank"> Alexander Verbraeck</a>
public abstract class CachingNumericalIntegrator extends NumericalIntegrator
/** */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** the number of cachePlaces to store, e.g for k-1, k-2 set it to 2. */
private int cachePlaces = 0;
/** the cache for y(k-1), y(k-2), etc. */
private double[][] cacheY;
/** the cache for y'(k-1), y'(k-2), etc. */
private double[][] cacheDY;
/** the number of cache places filled = the last cache place used. */
private int lastCachePlace = -1;
/** The primer integrator. */
protected NumericalIntegrator startingIntegrator = null;
/** the substeps to use when starting the integrator. */
protected int startingSubSteps = 10;
* constructs a new CachingNumericalIntegrator with a fixed number of cache places.
* @param stepSize double; the stepSize
* @param equation DifferentialEquationInterface; the differentialEquation
* @param cachePlaces int; the number of cache places to store
* @param primerIntegrationMethod NumericalIntegratorType; the primer integrator to use
* @param startingSubSteps int; the number of sub-steps per stepSize during starting of the integrator
public CachingNumericalIntegrator(final double stepSize, final DifferentialEquationInterface equation,
final int cachePlaces, final NumericalIntegratorType primerIntegrationMethod, final int startingSubSteps)
super(stepSize, equation);
this.cachePlaces = cachePlaces;
this.cacheY = new double[cachePlaces][];
this.cacheDY = new double[cachePlaces][];
this.startingIntegrator = primerIntegrationMethod.getInstance(stepSize / (1.0d * startingSubSteps), equation);
this.startingSubSteps = startingSubSteps;
public void setStepSize(final double stepSize)
this.lastCachePlace = -1;
public double[] next(final double x, final double[] y)
double[] ynext = null;
// look whether we have to prime, or can calculate
if (this.lastCachePlace < this.cachePlaces)
// calculate next y-value using the primer, which can have a
// much smaller timestep
ynext = y.clone();
double xstep = x;
for (int i = 0; i < this.startingSubSteps; i++)
ynext =, ynext);
xstep += this.stepSize / (1.0d * this.startingSubSteps);
// calculate next y-value using the intended method
ynext = next(x);
this.cacheY[this.lastCachePlace % this.cachePlaces] = ynext;
this.cacheDY[this.lastCachePlace % this.cachePlaces] = this.equation.dy(x + this.stepSize, ynext);
return ynext;
* get a cached Y-value.
* @param numberDown int; the number of the previous value we want
* @return the corresponding Y-value
public double[] getY(final int numberDown)
if (this.lastCachePlace < this.cachePlaces)
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to retrieve y-value that was not yet primed");
if (numberDown >= this.cachePlaces)
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to retrieve y-value beyond cache limits");
return this.cacheY[(this.lastCachePlace - numberDown) % this.cachePlaces].clone();
* get a cached dY-value.
* @param numberDown int; the number of the previous value we want
* @return the corresponding dY-value
public double[] getDY(final int numberDown)
if (this.lastCachePlace < this.cachePlaces)
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to retrieve dy-value that was not yet primed");
if (numberDown >= this.cachePlaces)
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to retrieve dy-value beyond cache limits");
return this.cacheDY[(this.lastCachePlace - numberDown) % this.cachePlaces].clone();
* The integrators that extend the CachingNumericalIntegrator calculate the value of y(x+stepSize) just based on the
* x-value. They retrieve y(x), y(x-stepSize), etc. or y(k), y(k-1) all from the cache.
* @param x double; the x-value to use in the calculation
* @return the value of y(x+stepSize)
public abstract double[] next(double x);