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AbstractProperty - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
A default Property implementation that provides a standard way to handle composite values.
AbstractProperty() - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty
AbstractSuppressIntrospector - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
The AbstractSupressIntrospector.
AbstractSuppressIntrospector(Introspector) - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
Constructor for AbstractSuppressIntrospector.
ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Java Array.


BeanIntrospector - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans
The Bean introspector provides a simplified JavaBean implementation of the introspection interfaces.
BeanIntrospector() - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanIntrospector
BeanProperty - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans
The JavaBean TM implementation of the Property interface.
BeanProperty(Object, PropertyDescriptor) - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
constructs a new BeanProperty.
BeanUtils - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans
Utility class for bean tests.
BeanUtils() - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanUtils


checkDelegation(Object) - Static method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.DelegateIntrospection
Check for introspection delegation to allow for the right object to be shown on the screen.
COLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
General Java Collection.
ComposedTypeEnum - Enum Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
ComposedTypeEnum contains the type of a composed Property.


DelegateIntrospection - Interface in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
DelegateIntrospection takes care that an intermediate object delegates the introspection to its parent object.


FieldIntrospector - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields
The IntrospectionField introspector provides a field manipulation implementation of the introspection interfaces.
FieldIntrospector() - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldIntrospector
constructs a new FieldIntrospector.
FieldIntrospector(boolean) - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldIntrospector
constructs a new FieldIntrospector.
FieldProperty - Class in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields
The field implementation of the Property interface.
FieldProperty(Object, Field) - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
constructs a new FieldProperty.
FieldProperty(Object, Field, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
constructs a new FieldProperty.


getComponentType() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty
Returns the type of the collection components contained in this Property.
getComponentType() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Returns the type of the collection components contained in this Property.
getComposedType() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty
Returns the collection type of the contained value (i.e.
getComposedType() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Returns the collection type of the contained value (i.e.
getInstance() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Retrieves the introspected object, which contains this Property.
getInstance() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Retrieves the introspected object, which contains this Property.
getInstance() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Retrieves the introspected object, which contains this Property.
getName() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Retrieves the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Retrieves the name of the property.
getName() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Retrieves the name of the property.
getParentIntrospectionObject() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.DelegateIntrospection
Return an intermediate object to which the introspection is delegated.
getProperties(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
getProperties(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanIntrospector
getProperties(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldIntrospector
getProperties(Object) - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Introspector
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
Retrieves the {see Property}with a given name from an introspected object.
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanIntrospector
Retrieves the {see Property}with a given name from an introspected object.
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldIntrospector
Retrieves the {see Property}with a given name from an introspected object.
getProperty(Object, String) - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Introspector
Retrieves the {see Property}with a given name from an introspected object.
getPropertyNames(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
Retrieves the names of the properties of the introspected object.
getPropertyNames(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanIntrospector
Retrieves the names of the properties of the introspected object.
getPropertyNames(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldIntrospector
Retrieves the names of the properties of the introspected object.
getPropertyNames(Object) - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Introspector
Retrieves the names of the properties of the introspected object.
getType() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Returns the type of this property's value.
getType() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Returns the type of this property's value.
getType() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Returns the type of this property's value.
getValue() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Returns the current value of this property.
getValue() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Returns the current value of this property.
getValue() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Returns the current value of this property.


IMMUTABLECOLLECTION - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Immutable Collection.
IMMUTABLEMAP - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Immutable Map.
Introspector - Interface in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
The introspector provides introspection services, i.e.
isArray() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isCollection() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isComposed() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isEditable() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Returns whether the value of this property may be altered.
isEditable() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Returns whether the value of this property may be altered.
isEditable() - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Returns whether the value of this property may be altered.
isImmutableCollection() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isImmutableMap() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isMap() - Method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
isNull(Object, PropertyDescriptor) - Static method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanUtils
resolves whether the bean is null


MAP - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
General Java Map.


nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection - package nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
Contains the core interfaces of the Introspection project plus some abstract implementations.
nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans - package nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans
Contains the JavaBean TM implementation of the introspection interfaces.
nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields - package nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields
Contains a field introspecting implementation of the Introspection interfaces.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Not composed.


parent - Variable in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
the parent introspector.
Property - Interface in nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection
A property defines a characteristic of an object.


setRegularValue(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty
Method used to set a regular (i.e.
setRegularValue(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.beans.BeanProperty
Method used to set a regular (i.e.
setRegularValue(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.fields.FieldProperty
Method used to set a regular (i.e.
setValue(Object) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty
Basic 'setValue' implementation.
setValue(Object) - Method in interface nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.Property
Set the value of this property.
suppress(Class<?>) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
Method suppress.
suppress(String) - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractSuppressIntrospector
Method suppress.


toString() - Method in class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.AbstractProperty


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class nl.tudelft.simulation.introspection.ComposedTypeEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
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