Class ContextUtil


public class ContextUtil extends Object
ContextUtil contains a few helper methods to deal with an InitialEventContext.

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Alexander Verbraeck
  • Constructor Details

    • ContextUtil

      public ContextUtil()
  • Method Details

    • lookupOrCreateSubContext

      public static ContextInterface lookupOrCreateSubContext(ContextInterface parentContext, String name) throws NamingException, RemoteException
      Lookup or create a sub-context in the parentContext with the name as its path. The path can be absolute or relative. The terminating part of the name will be used as the key under which the created subcontext will be registered.
      parentContext - ContextInterface; the parent context
      name - String; the name to register the new subcontext
      ContextInterface; the newly created subcontext
      NamingException - when terminating key in the name is blank or contains "/" character(s)
      RemoteException - on a network error when the Context is used over RMI
    • lookupSubContext

      public static ContextInterface lookupSubContext(ContextInterface parentContext, String name) throws NamingException, RemoteException
      Lookup a sub-context in the parentContext with the name as its path. The path can be absolute or relative. The terminating part of the name will be used as the key under which the created subcontext will be registered.
      parentContext - ContextInterface; the parent context
      name - String; the name to register the new subcontext
      ContextInterface; the newly created subcontext
      NamingException - when terminating key in the name is blank or contains "/" character(s)
      RemoteException - on a network error when the Context is used over RMI
    • destroySubContext

      public static void destroySubContext(ContextInterface parentContext, String name) throws NamingException, RemoteException
      Destroy a sub-context in the parentContext with the name as its path. The path can be absolute or relative. The terminating part of the name will be used as the key under for the subcontext to be removed.
      parentContext - ContextInterface; the parent context
      name - String; the name to use to find the subcontext to remove
      NamingException - when terminating key in the name is blank or contains "/" character(s)
      RemoteException - on a network error when the Context is used over RMI
    • resolveKeys

      public static List<String> resolveKeys(ContextInterface startContext, Object object) throws NamingException, RemoteException
      Resolve the key(s) for an object for a given context. This can be an expensive operation if the context is large. An object can be registered zero or more times in the context, so a List of keys under which the object is registered will be returned. The keys are relative to the startContext. The method starts with the given context. It is possible to look up null objects in the Context.
      startContext - ContextInterface; the context to start the search
      object - Object; the object to look up in the tree under the startContext
      List<String>; the list of keys that are bound to the object, or an empty list if no bindings for the object were found
      NamingException - when an error occurs during searching
      RemoteException - on a network error when the Context is used over RMI
    • toText

      public static String toText(ContextInterface ctx)
      recursively print the context in human-readable format to a String.
      ctx - the context to print
      a human-readable String with the context tree