Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
Open issues in the code | 6 | TODO, FIXME, XXX |
Each tag is detailed below:
Open issues in the code
Number of occurrences found in the code: 6
nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.naming.context.ContextTest | Line |
make sure testSubContext also runs for RemoteContext | 163 |
test circular references when check has been implemented | 440 |
nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.naming.context.ContextTreeTest | Line |
research why RmiRegistry.closeRegistry(remoteContext.getRegistry()) gives an error | 79 |
research why RmiRegistry.closeRegistry(remoteContext.getRegistry()) gives an error | 91 |
nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.FileContext | Line |
check if non-serializability of the EventListeners is indeed needed (old version). FileContext clone = (FileContext) this.clone(); clone.listeners.clear(); | 63 |
nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context.RemoteContext | Line |
see if connection needs to be closed | 246 |