DSOL swing project 4.2.6 API

Generic methods for DSOL Swing.
Panels that can show animation and animation controls for DSOL.
Handlers for the actions when clicking buttons on the control part of the animation tab, or on the animation panel itself.
Classes related to the AnimationPanel in the GUI.
Panels for the AnimationTab, such as SearchPanel, TogglePanel and ButtonPanel.
Control of the appearance of the DSOL tabs and windows, e.g., dark mode, bright mode.
Different versions of the control panel and search panel.
User interface methods to allow the user to enter or change input parameters for the model.
DSOL GUI utility classes.
The user interface package provides dialogs and tables to inspect and manipulate introspected objects, see @see nl.tudelft.tbm.sk.util.introspection.gui.PTestGUI for an example.
Utility package enabling sorting tables.
Representation of statistics objects on the screen.