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Simulator State

The Simulator in DSOL is a multi-threaded state machine. It contains a RunState that indicates the state that the model execution is in. This is important, since the multi-threaded character of the application means that changes are not instantaneous. As an example, when the simulator is told to stop with a stop() method call, and the current event being executed takes long to complete, the Simulator won't stop until the event execution has completed. We have a special state for that indicating that the Simulator is STOPPING. After the event completion, the Simulator is STOPPED. Depending on the state of the Simulator certain actions are or are not allowed.

Similarly, the execution of a Replication can be in different states. For instance, a replication can be STARTING, meaning that the model is being constructed and the data structures for the model are being set-up, but this is different from STARTED where model code has actually executed. Again, the state machine for the ReplicationState allows certain actions to take place, and forbids other actions. The RunState and the ReplicationState are obviously related to each other.



The RunState is the communication between the main thread or user interface (UI) thread and the SimulatorWorkerThread. Initial states NOT_INITIALIZED, and INITIALIZED shall be set only by the main / UI thread. NOT_INITIALIZED is set in the constructor and the cleanup() method; INITIALIZED Is set by the initialize(...) method, and indicates that the simulator can be started.

STARTING and STOPPING shall be set only by the main thread / UI thread, and indicate the intent to start or stop the simulator. Actual starting or stopping can take a while after the RunState has been set, because the simulation itself is executed by another thread: the SimulatorWorkerThread.

STARTING: After starting has been set, an interrupt is sent to the SimulatorWorkerThread to wake it up from its Thread wait() state. The method fires a START_EVENT to listeners (e.g., the GUI), and sets the RunState to STARTED, just before the Simulator's run() method is called. It can take some time to wake up -- so there is an unspecified time between the RunState.STARTING and RunState.STARTED states. As long as the is not finished (either because of calling stop(), an error In the simulation, an empty event list, or reaching the replication's run length), it will stay in a loop executing events in the SimulatorWorkerThread.

STOPPING: Between the execution of events, the Simulator's run() method (executed by the SimulatorWorkerThread) checks the RunState. When it Is found to be STOPPING, the Simulator's run() method ends, and the thread continues the execution of the SimulatorWorkerThread's run() method. Here, it will first set the RunState to STOPPED. Then, it will check whether the replication has to end (see ReplicationState). If so, it will set the ReplicationState to ENDED, and the RunState to ENDED as well. It will also fire an END_REPLICATION_EVENT.

STOPPED: After a Simulator has been stopped, it can be started again -- unless the end of the replication has been reached. Stopping the Simulator actually pauses the SimulatorWorkerThread, rather than terminating it.

The RunState acts as a state machine that guards the correct sequence of states for the simulation run. When an action is attempted that does not fit the state machine's logic, such as starting an already started simulator, or starting or stopping a simulation that has completely ended, an error can be raised.


Note that the endReplication() method is not needed. The Simulator's run() method should take care of flagging whether the replication has ended -- and act accordingly. The warmup() event, on the other hand, is needed. By making the SimulatorWorkerThread responsible for the handling of the end of the replication, this does not have to be separately implemented in different Simulator implementations. Any object interested in the end of the replication (e.g., to collect statistics), should listen to the END_REPLICATION_EVENT.


ReplicationState has the following possible values: NOT_INITIALIZED, INITIALIZED, STARTING, STARTED, ENDING, ENDED.

The ReplicationState is used to keep track of the events that have or have not been sent for the replication. As an example, when Simulator.start() is called, and the simulator time is zero, one does not know whether the START_REPLICATION_EVENT still needs to be fired. When the simulation has multiple events at t=0, and it has executed step(), followed by start(), START_REPLICATION_EVENT has already been fired by the step() method. Without the ReplicationState, the Simulator has no way of knowing that the replication has already been started before. The ReplicationState helps by providing a clear sequence of states for a normal simulation run.

Initial states NOT_INITIALIZED, and INITIALIZED shall be set only by the main / UI thread. NOT_INITIALIZED is set in the constructor and the cleanup() method; INITIALIZED Is set by the initialize(...) method, and indicates that the replication can be started.

The ReplicationState.STARTED state is set in the startImpl() or the step() method after checking that the ReplicationState is INITIALIZED. This is important, since also the START_REPLICATION_EVENT is fired in startImpl() or step() when ReplicationState is INITIALIZED, ensuring that the START_REPLICATION_EVENT is only fired once.

The ENDING state should be set by the Simulator's run() method based on the state of the simulation and the event list. When the event list is empty or the simulator has reached the replication's run time, the ReplicationState can be set to ENDING. When the run() is interrupted by a stop() or when an error occurred, the ReplicationState can be left in the STARTED state.

A setting of ENDING for the ReplicationState is (and should) always be mirrored by a STOPPING state for the RunState. When the method ends with RunState.STOPPING and ReplicationState.ENDING, the SimulatorWorkerThread will take care of firing an END_REPLICATION_EVENT and setting both the ReplicationState and the RunState to ENDED.

Errors during simulation event execution

The following strategies exist when the execution of an event leads to an exception:

  • log and continue: Send the error to the logger as WARNING. Both RunState and ReplicationState remain in the RUNNING state. The continues as if the error did not occur.
  • warn and continue: Send the error to logger as ERROR and print the exception on stderr. Both RunState and ReplicationState remain in the RUNNING state. The continues as if the error did not occur.
  • warn and pause: Send the error to logger as ERROR and print the exception on stderr The RunState goes to STOPPING, leading to the stop of the loop in the method and a subsequent STOPPED state in the method. The SimulatorWorkerThread will go into a Thread.wait(), to wait for start (or cleanup).
  • warn and end: Send the error to logger as SEVERE and print the exception on stderr The Simulator.cleanup() method is called to ensure the method completely ends and can be garbage collected. If there is a UI thread, it will keep running.
  • warn and exit: Send the error to logger as SEVERE and print the exception on stderr The Simulator.cleanup() method is called to ensure the stop of the run() in SimulatorWorkerThread; the System.exit() method is called to end the complete program.

In order to set the error handling, the setPauseOnError() and isPauseOnError() methods are deprecated and replaced by new setErrorStrategy(ErrorStrategy strategy) and getErrorStrategy() methods. ErrorStrategy is an enum. The log level can be overridden (and even be set to NONE).

Use of the worker thread -- complete run till end of replication

At initialize(), a SimulatorWorkerThread is instantiated. It starts its run() method, where it will issue a Thread.wait(), waiting for an interrupt. When the start() method on the regular (UI / main, in blue in the Figure below) thread is called, the interrupt is sent and the SimulatorWorkerThread starts the run() method of the simulator (in red in the Figure below).

This Figure shows a situation where the simulation run continues till the end of the simulation time is reached or where the event list gets empty.

Use of the worker thread -- partial run till stop() is called

Calling stop() from the main or GUI thhred causes the simulation run to stop. This does not happen immediately, as the main/GUI thread and the SimulatorWorkerThread run in parallel. In this case, the stop() method sets the RunState to STOPPING, as can be seen in the Figure below.

After finishing the Simulator's run() method, the SimulatorWorkerThread's run() method gets into a wait() state again, waiting for a next start() [or cleanup()] call.

Concurrency problem of the use of the worker thread

The problem is that after calling stop(), start() can be called by the GUI or main thread before the SimulatorWorkerThread is in the wait() state, as illustrated below in black.

The STARTING state is overruled by the STOPPED state of the other thread, and the Thread.wakeup() call is done too early. Similar concurrency problems can uccur by calling start() before initialize() has finished. Calling stop() before the start() has completed can cause the STOPPING state to be set before the STARTED state is set by the other thread.


The problem is caused by the main/GUI thread exiting its methods before the right state has been reached. So these methods have to pause before exiting till the state of the SimulatorWorkerThread Is correct. It is not sufficient to set a boolean (like 'running') in the SimulatorWorkerThread, because the 'if not running' test can happen between setting running = false and the wait() operation...

The initialize() and stop() methods wait till the SimulatorWorkerThread is waiting or terminated (in the case of a very short simulation run). The start() method works with a runflag semaphore that indicates that the run() method has started (and could still be running or might have finished when we check). start() then clears the runflag. This should prevent too early calls as well as deadlocks.

Implementation in Python

The waiting behavior of the SimulatorWorkerThread is implemented as an Event called wakeup_flag in Python:

  • wakeup_flag.wait() for waiting
  • wakeup_flag.set() for waking up
  • bool _finalized to determine if run is over
  • bool method is_waiting() to determine if the run() method is in the wait() state implemented by len(self.wakeup_flag._cond._waiters) > 0
  • if necessary, we can also check for self.is_alive() state to see if the run() method -- and thereby the whole thread -- has terminated or not

Implementation in Java

The waiting behavior of the SimulatorWorkerThread is implemented as an ordinary wait() in the run() method of the SimulatorWorkerThread:

  • wait() for waiting
  • notify() for waking up
  • boolean _finalized to determine if run is over
  • boolean is_waiting() method to determine if the run() method is in the wait() state implemented by getState().equals(ThreadState.WAITING)
  • if necessary, we can also check for getState().equals(ThreadState.TERMINATED) to see if the run() method -- and thereby the whole thread -- has terminated or not