All Classes and Interfaces
The abstract filter forms the abstract class for all filters.
The Angle class presents a number of mathematical utility functions on the angle.
Utilities for the BitSet class.
The Point3D class with utilities to convert to point2D where the z-axis is neglected.
Predefined categories for Category logging in DSOL.
The Circle class presents a number of mathematical utility functions for circles.
The composite filter combines two filters.
The enum for the logical operator in composite filters.
A directional line with normal vector.
different values for the side a point can be at w.r.t. the line.
DsolException is used for generic exceptions in the DSOL packages.
DsolRuntimeException is used for generic exceptions in the DSOL packages, where the exception is not specifically mentioned
in the method signature.
The FilterInterface is a general interface for all filters in DSOL.
The histogram specifies a histogram chart for the DSOL framework.
The modulus filter only accepts the nth event where n % given modulus = 0.
Monitor class.
A SerializableConstructor.
A SerializableField.
A SerializableMethod.
Shape utilities for screen coordinates.
Shape utilities for world coordinates.
A spherical point as defined in .
StateSaver can serialize a full state of a single object, including the fields of its superclass, to an object.
The WorkerThread is a working thread.
The Zero filter does not filter any value.