Interface InputParameter<VT,CT>

Type Parameters:
VT - Value type of the input parameter
CT - Calculated type of the input parameter (often the same as VT, except in complex maps)
All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractInputParameter, AbstractInputParameterMap, AbstractInputParameterTypedMap, InputParameterBoolean, InputParameterDistContinuous, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Beta, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Constant, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Erlang, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Exponential, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Gamma, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.LogNormal, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Normal, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Pearson5, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Pearson6, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Triangular, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Uniform, InputParameterDistContinuousSelection.Weibull, InputParameterDistDiscrete, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.Bernoulli, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.Binomial, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.DiscreteConstant, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.DiscreteUniform, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.Geometric, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.NegBinomial, InputParameterDistDiscreteSelection.Poisson, InputParameterDouble, InputParameterDoubleScalar, InputParameterFloat, InputParameterFloatScalar, InputParameterInteger, InputParameterLong, InputParameterMap, InputParameterMapDistContinuous, InputParameterMapDistDiscrete, InputParameterSelectionList, InputParameterSelectionMap, InputParameterString, InputParameterUnit

public interface InputParameter<VT,CT> extends Serializable, Cloneable
User readable and settable properties.

Copyright (c) 2013-2024 Delft University of Technology, PO Box 5, 2600 AA, Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
BSD-style license. See OpenTrafficSim License.

$Revision$, $LastChangedDate$, by $Author$, initial version Apr 22, 2016
Alexander Verbraeck, Peter Knoppers, Wouter Schakel
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Provide the clone() method to make a deep copy.
    Retrieve the calculated value of the input parameter.
    Retrieve the default value of the input parameter.
    Return a description of the input parameter (may use HTML markup).
    Display priority determines the order in which properties should be displayed.
    Retrieve the extended key of this AbstractInputParameter including parents with a dot-notation.
    Retrieve the key of this InputParameter.
    Retrieve the parent input parameter.
    Return a short description of the input parameter.
    Retrieve the current value of the input parameter.
    Return true if the input parameter can not be altered.
    setDefaultValue(VT newValue)
    Change the default value of the input parameter.
    setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
    Specify if the input parameter can be altered.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      String getKey()
      Retrieve the key of this InputParameter. The key is set at time of construction and it is immutable.
      String; the key of this InputParameter
    • getExtendedKey

      String getExtendedKey()
      Retrieve the extended key of this AbstractInputParameter including parents with a dot-notation.
      String; the extended key of this AbstractInputParameter
    • getValue

      VT getValue()
      Retrieve the current value of the input parameter.
      VT; the current value of the input parameter
    • getDefaultValue

      VT getDefaultValue()
      Retrieve the default value of the input parameter.
      VT; the default value of the input parameter
    • setDefaultValue

      void setDefaultValue(VT newValue) throws InputParameterException
      Change the default value of the input parameter.
      newValue - VT; the new default value for the input parameter
      NullPointerException - when newValue is null
      InputParameterException - when this InputParameter is read-only, or newValue is not valid
    • getCalculatedValue

      CT getCalculatedValue() throws InputParameterException
      Retrieve the calculated value of the input parameter. This is often the same as the value type, except in situations where a sub-map or sub-list calculates a different value. This is, for instance, the case with distribution functions where the parameters are present in a sub-map (the value) and the return type of the value is a distribution function class.
      CT; the calculated value of the input parameter
      InputParameterException - when calculation fails
    • getShortName

      String getShortName()
      Return a short description of the input parameter.
      String; a short description of the input parameter
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Return a description of the input parameter (may use HTML markup).
      String; the description of the input parameter
    • setReadOnly

      void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
      Specify if the input parameter can be altered.
      readOnly - boolean; true if this input parameter can not be altered, false if this input parameter can be altered
    • isReadOnly

      boolean isReadOnly()
      Return true if the input parameter can not be altered.
      boolean; true if this input parameter can not be altered, false if this input parameter can be altered
    • getDisplayPriority

      double getDisplayPriority()
      Display priority determines the order in which properties should be displayed. Properties with lower values should be displayed above or before those with higher values.
      double; the display priority of this InputParameter
    • getParent

      Retrieve the parent input parameter.
      the InputParameterMap that is the parent of this InputParameter (result is null if this input parameter is not contained in an InputParameterMap)
    • clone

      InputParameter<?,?> clone()
      Provide the clone() method to make a deep copy.
      a deep copy of the InputParameter