Class Simulator<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the time type
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Runnable, Remote, SimulatorInterface<T>, EventProducer
Direct Known Subclasses:
DessSimulator, DevsSimulator

public abstract class Simulator<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> extends LocalEventProducer implements SimulatorInterface<T>, Runnable
The Simulator class is an abstract implementation of the SimulatorInterface.

Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See for project information The DSOL project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at https://

Alexander Verbraeck relative types are the same.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • simulatorTime

      protected T extends Number & Comparable<T> simulatorTime
      simulatorTime represents the simulationTime.
    • runUntilTime

      protected T extends Number & Comparable<T> runUntilTime
      The runUntil time in case we want to stop before the end of the replication time.
    • runUntilIncluding

      protected boolean runUntilIncluding
      whether the runUntilTime should carry out the calculation(s) for that time or not.
    • runState

      protected RunState runState
      The run state of the simulator, that indicates the state of the Simulator state machine.
    • replicationState

      protected ReplicationState replicationState
      The replication state of the simulator, that indicates the state of the Replication state machine.
    • replication

      protected Replication<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> replication
      The currently active replication; is null before initialize() has been called.
    • model

      protected DsolModel<T extends Number & Comparable<T>,? extends SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>> model
      The model that is currently active; is null before initialize() has been called.
    • worker

      protected transient Simulator.SimulatorWorkerThread worker
      a worker.
    • semaphore

      protected transient Object semaphore
      the simulatorSemaphore.
    • runflag

      protected boolean runflag
      the run flag semaphore indicating that the run() method has started (and might have stopped).
  • Constructor Details

    • Simulator

      public Simulator(Serializable id)
      Constructs a new Simulator.
      id - the id of the simulator, used in logging and firing of events.
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(DsolModel<T,? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> model, Replication<T> replication) throws SimRuntimeException
      Initializes the simulator with a replication for a model. It immediately fires a START_REPLICATION_EVENT and a TIME_CHANGED_EVENT with the starting time. It does not yet fire a WARMUP_EVENT in case the warmup time is zero; this will only be done after the simulator has been started. Note that the listeners of all statistics objects are removed when the simulator is initialized with the replication. Connecting the statistics objects to the simulation should be done between the initialize(...) method and starting the simulator, or could even be delayed till the WARMUP_EVENT has been fired.
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      model - DsolModel<T, S>; the model to initialize
      replication - Replication<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface<T>>; the replication to use for running the model
      SimRuntimeException - when the simulator is running
    • addScheduledMethodOnInitialize

      public void addScheduledMethodOnInitialize(Object target, String method, Object[] args) throws SimRuntimeException
      Add a method call that has to be performed at the end if initialize, and before the model starts. This can, for instance, be used to schedule the execution of simulation events before initialize has been called, and solved the problem that, for discrete event simulators, the scheduleEvent(...) methods cannot be called before initialize().
      Specified by:
      addScheduledMethodOnInitialize in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      target - Object; the target on which the method needs to be executed
      method - String; the name of the method to call on initialization of the model
      args - Object[]; the arguments of the method. Use new Object[] {} for no arguments.
      SimRuntimeException - whenever the event is scheduled in the past.
    • startImpl

      public void startImpl() throws SimRuntimeException
      Implementation of the start method. Checks preconditions for running and fires the right events.
      SimRuntimeException - when the simulator is already running, or when the replication is missing or has ended
    • start

      public void start() throws SimRuntimeException
      Starts the simulator, and fire a START_EVENT that the simulator was started. Note that when the simulator was already started an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired. The start uses the RunUntil property with a value of the end time of the replication whenstarting the simulator.
      Specified by:
      start in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      SimRuntimeException - whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting an already started simulator
    • runUpTo

      public void runUpTo(T stopTime) throws SimRuntimeException
      Runs the simulator up to a certain time; any events at that time, or the solving of the differential equation at that timestep, will not yet be executed.
      Specified by:
      runUpTo in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      stopTime - T; the absolute time till when we want to run the simulation, coded as a SimTime object
      SimRuntimeException - whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting a started simulator
    • runUpToAndIncluding

      public void runUpToAndIncluding(T stopTime) throws SimRuntimeException
      Runs the simulator up to a certain time; all events at that time, or the solving of the differential equation at that timestep, will be executed.
      Specified by:
      runUpToAndIncluding in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      stopTime - T; the absolute time till when we want to run the simulation, coded as a SimTime object
      SimRuntimeException - whenever starting fails. Possible occasions include starting a started simulator
    • stepImpl

      protected abstract void stepImpl()
      The implementation body of the step() method. The stepImpl() method should fire the TIME_CHANGED_EVENT before the execution of the simulation event, or before executing the integration of the differential equation for the next timestep. So the time is changed first to match the logic carried out for that time, and then the action for that time is carried out. This is INDEPENDENT of the fact whether the time changes or not. The TIME_CHANGED_EVENT is always fired.
    • step

      public void step() throws SimRuntimeException
      Steps the simulator, and fire a STEP_EVENT to indicate the simulator made a step. Note that when the simulator is running an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired.
      Specified by:
      step in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      SimRuntimeException - whenever stepping fails. Possible occasions include stepping an already running simulator
    • stopImpl

      protected void stopImpl()
      Implementation of the stop behavior.
    • stop

      public void stop() throws SimRuntimeException
      Stops the simulator, and fire a STOP_EVENT that the simulator was stopped. Note that when the simulator was already stopped an exception will be thrown, and no event will be fired.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      SimRuntimeException - whenever stopping fails. Possible occasions include stopping an already stopped simulator
    • warmup

      public void warmup()
      Fire the WARMUP event to clear the statistics after the warmup period. Note that for a discrete event simulator, the warmup event can be scheduled, whereas for a continuous simulator, the warmup event must be detected based on the simulation time.
    • cleanUp

      public void cleanUp()
      Clean up the simulator after a replication. Remove the worker thread.
      Specified by:
      cleanUp in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
    • endReplication

      public void endReplication() throws SimRuntimeException
      End the replication before the official ending time. When the simulation is running, it will fire a STOP_EVENT followed by an END_REPLICATION_EVENT, and will stop the running of the simulator, moving the RunState and the ReplicatioNState both to the ENDED state. When the simulation time is not equal to or larger than the length of the replication, a logger warning is given, but the method is fully executed. In that case it does set the simulation time to the end time of the replication, to avoid restarting of the simulator.
      Specified by:
      endReplication in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      SimRuntimeException - when the simulator had already terminated, or is not initialized
    • getErrorStrategy

      public final ErrorStrategy getErrorStrategy()
      Return the current error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent.
      Specified by:
      getErrorStrategy in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      errorStrategy ErrorStrategy; the current error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
    • setErrorStrategy

      public final void setErrorStrategy(ErrorStrategy errorStrategy)
      Set the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent, using the default error log level.
      Specified by:
      setErrorStrategy in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      errorStrategy - ErrorStrategy; the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
    • setErrorStrategy

      public final void setErrorStrategy(ErrorStrategy newErrorStrategy, Level newErrorLogLevel)
      Set the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent.
      Specified by:
      setErrorStrategy in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      newErrorStrategy - ErrorStrategy; the error handling strategy for an execution error for a SimEvent
      newErrorLogLevel - Level; the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
    • getErrorLogLevel

      public final Level getErrorLogLevel()
      Return the current error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors.
      Specified by:
      getErrorLogLevel in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      Level; the current error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
    • setErrorLogLevel

      public final void setErrorLogLevel(Level errorLogLevel)
      Set the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors.
      Specified by:
      setErrorLogLevel in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      errorLogLevel - Level; the error log level to use in the logger for simulation execution errors
    • handleSimulationException

      protected void handleSimulationException(Exception exception)
      Handle an exception thrown by executing a SimEvent according to the ErrorStrategy. A call to this method needs to be built into the run() method of every Simulator subclass.
      exception - Exception; the exception that was thrown when executing the SimEvent
    • run

      public abstract void run()
      The run method defines the actual time step mechanism of the simulator. The implementation of this method depends on the formalism. Where discrete event formalisms loop over an event list, continuous simulators take predefined time steps. Make sure that:
      - SimulatorInterface.TIME_CHANGED_EVENT is fired when the time of the simulator changes
      - the warmup() method is called when the warmup period has expired (through an event or based on simulation time)
      - the endReplication() method is called when the replication has ended
      - the simulator runs until the runUntil time, which is also set by the start() method.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • getSimulatorTime

      public T getSimulatorTime()
      Returns the absolute simulator time.
      Specified by:
      getSimulatorTime in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      the simulator time.
    • getReplication

      public Replication<T> getReplication()
      Returns the currently executed replication, or null when the initialize method has not yet been called.
      Specified by:
      getReplication in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      Replication<T>; the current replication, or null when the model has not yet been initialized
    • getModel

      public DsolModel<T,? extends SimulatorInterface<T>> getModel()
      Returns the currently executed model, or null when the initialize method has not yet been called.
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      DsolModel<T, ? extends SimulatorInterface>; the currently executed model, or null when the model has not yet been initialized
    • getLogger

      public SimLogger getLogger()
      Get the logger for a simulator. Since the loggers display the simulator time, each logger that runs in the same JVM needs to have its own logger.
      Specified by:
      getLogger in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      SimLogger; the logger that is specific for this simulator
    • getRunState

      public RunState getRunState()
      Get the run state of the simulator.
      Specified by:
      getRunState in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      RunState; the run state of the simulator
    • getReplicationState

      public ReplicationState getReplicationState()
      Get the replication state of the simulator.
      Specified by:
      getReplicationState in interface SimulatorInterface<T extends Number & Comparable<T>>
      ReplicationState; the replication state of the simulator
    • fireTimedEvent

      protected void fireTimedEvent(EventType event)
      fireTimedEvent method to be called for a no-payload TimedEvent.
      event - the event to fire at the current time