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1   package nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.distributions;
3   import org.djutils.exceptions.Throw;
4   import org.djutils.logger.CategoryLogger;
6   import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.math.ProbMath;
7   import nl.tudelft.simulation.jstats.streams.StreamInterface;
9   /**
10   * The Gamma distribution. For more information on this distribution see
11   * <a href=""> </a><br>
12   * The parameters are not rate-related, but average-related, so the mean is shape*scale (or &alpha;&theta;), and the variance is
13   * &alpha;&theta;<sup>2</sup>.
14   * <p>
15   * Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See
16   * for project information <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL Manual</a>. The DSOL
17   * project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at
18   * <a href="" target="_blank">DSOL License</a>.
19   * </p>
20   * @author <a href="">Peter Jacobs </a>
21   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
22   */
23  public class DistGamma extends DistContinuous
24  {
25      /** */
26      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
28      /** the shape parameter of the distribution, also often called &alpha; or k. */
29      private final double shape;
31      /** the scale parameter of the distribution, also often called &theta;. */
32      private final double scale;
34      /**
35       * constructs a new gamma distribution. The gamma distribution represents the time to complete some task, e.g. customer
36       * service or machine repair. The parameters are not rate-related, but average-related, so the mean is shape*scale (or
37       * &alpha;&theta; or k&theta;), and the variance is &alpha;&theta;<sup>2</sup>.
38       * @param stream StreamInterface; the random number stream
39       * @param shape double; is the shape parameter &gt; 0, also known as &alpha; or k
40       * @param scale double; is the scale parameter&gt; 0, also known as &theta;
41       * @throws IllegalArgumentException when shape &lt;= 0.0 or scale &lt;= 0.0
42       */
43      public DistGamma(final StreamInterface stream, final double shape, final double scale)
44      {
45          super(stream);
46          Throw.when(shape <= 0.0 || scale <= 0.0, IllegalArgumentException.class, "Error Gamma - shape <= 0.0 or scale <= 0.0");
47          this.shape = shape;
48          this.scale = scale;
49      }
51      @Override
52      public double draw()
53      {
54          // according to Law and Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 1991
55          // pages 488-489
56          if (this.shape < 1.0)
57          {
58              double b = (Math.E + this.shape) / Math.E;
59              int counter = 0;
60              while (counter < 1000)
61              {
62                  // step 1.
63                  double p = b *;
64                  if (p <= 1.0d)
65                  {
66                      // step 2.
67                      double y = Math.pow(p, 1.0d / this.shape);
68                      double u2 =;
69                      if (u2 <= Math.exp(-y))
70                      {
71                          return this.scale * y;
72                      }
73                  }
74                  else
75                  {
76                      // step 3.
77                      double y = -Math.log((b - p) / this.shape);
78                      double u2 =;
79                      if (u2 <= Math.pow(y, this.shape - 1.0d))
80                      {
81                          return this.scale * y;
82                      }
83                  }
84                  counter++;
85              }
86              CategoryLogger.always().info("Gamma distribution -- 1000 tries for alpha<1.0");
87              return 1.0d;
88          }
89          else if (this.shape > 1.0)
90          {
91              // according to Law and Kelton, Simulation Modeling and
92              // Analysis, 1991, pages 488-489
93              double a = 1.0d / Math.sqrt(2.0d * this.shape - 1.0d);
94              double b = this.shape - Math.log(4.0d);
95              double q = this.shape + (1.0d / a);
96              double theta = 4.5d;
97              double d = 1.0d + Math.log(theta);
98              int counter = 0;
99              while (counter < 1000)
100             {
101                 // step 1.
102                 double u1 =;
103                 double u2 =;
104                 // step 2.
105                 double v = a * Math.log(u1 / (1.0d - u1));
106                 double y = this.shape * Math.exp(v);
107                 double z = u1 * u1 * u2;
108                 double w = b + q * v - y;
109                 // step 3.
110                 if ((w + d - theta * z) >= 0.0d)
111                 {
112                     return this.scale * y;
113                 }
114                 // step 4.
115                 if (w > Math.log(z))
116                 {
117                     return this.scale * y;
118                 }
119                 counter++;
120             }
121             CategoryLogger.always().info("Gamma distribution -- 1000 tries for alpha>1.0");
122             return 1.0d;
123         }
124         else
125         // shape == 1.0
126         {
127             // Gamma(1.0, scale) ~ exponential with mean = scale
128             return -this.scale * Math.log(;
129         }
130     }
132     @Override
133     public double getProbabilityDensity(final double x)
134     {
135         if (x <= 0)
136         {
137             return 0.0;
138         }
139         return (Math.pow(this.scale, -this.shape) * Math.pow(x, this.shape - 1) * Math.exp(-1 * x / this.scale))
140                 / ProbMath.gamma(this.shape);
141     }
143     /**
144      * @return alpha
145      */
146     public double getShape()
147     {
148         return this.shape;
149     }
151     /**
152      * @return beta
153      */
154     public double getScale()
155     {
156         return this.scale;
157     }
159     @Override
160     public String toString()
161     {
162         return "Gamma(" + this.shape + "," + this.scale + ")";
163     }
164 }