Class JvmContextFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JvmContextFactory extends Object implements ContextFactory
A factory for JvmContext instances, automatically invoked by JNDI when the correct file has been used.

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Peter Jacobs , Alexander Verbraeck
  • Constructor Details

    • JvmContextFactory

      public JvmContextFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getInitialContext

      public ContextInterface getInitialContext(Hashtable<?,?> environment, String atomicName)
      Creates an Initial Context for beginning name resolution. Special requirements of this context are supplied using environment. Different implementations exist, such as the JvmContext, the FileContext and the RemoteContext. A remote context registers itself in the RMI registry using a provided key from the environment. The remote event producer for the remote context uses that same key, extended with the string "_producer".
      Specified by:
      getInitialContext in interface ContextFactory
      environment - The possibly null environment specifying information to be used in the creation of the initial context
      atomicName - String; the name under which the root context will be registered
      A non-null initial context object that implements the ContextInterface