Package nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context

package nl.tudelft.simulation.naming.context
A Context is a JNDI-like implementation to provide tree storage for objects based on keys. Storage can be in memory (JvmContext), in files (FileContext) or on other computers (RemoteContext). In DSOL, statistics and animation objects are stored in a context so they can be easily accessed.

Copyright (c) 2002-2025 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved. See for project information DSOL Manual. The DSOL project is distributed under a three-clause BSD-style license, which can be found at DSOL License.

  • Class
    This interface represents a factory that creates an initial context.
    ContextInterface is the lightweight and simplified version of the JNDI EventContext interface in the standard Java distribution.
    Contextualized indicates that an object has (access to) a context.
    The FileContext as a file-based implementation of the ContextInterface.
    A factory for FileContext instances, automatically invoked by JNDI when the correct file has been used.
    The JvmContext is an in-memory, thread-safe context implementation of the ContextInterface.
    Record with Context and Name combination.
    A factory for JvmContext instances, automatically invoked by JNDI when the correct file has been used.
    Context that exists on another computer.
    A factory for RemoteContextClient instances, automatically invoked by JNDI when the correct file has been used.
    RemoteContextInterface is a tagging interface that extends both ContectInterface and Remote, but that does not force any new methods to be implemented.