CPD Results
The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 7.7.0.
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 282 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 341 |
answer = controlButtonResponse(getSimulator() != null, started); break; } case "animate": { answer = animationPanel.getDrawingCommands(); break; } case "arrowDown": { animationPanel.pan(HtmlGridPanel.DOWN, 0.1); break; } case "arrowUp": { animationPanel.pan(HtmlGridPanel.UP, 0.1); break; } case "arrowLeft": { animationPanel.pan(HtmlGridPanel.LEFT, 0.1); break; } case "arrowRight": { animationPanel.pan(HtmlGridPanel.RIGHT, 0.1); break; } case "pan": { if (parts.length == 3) { // TODO: probably use the animatinPanel.pan() int dx = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); int dy = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); double scaleX = animationPanel.getRenderableScale().getXScale(animationPanel.getExtent(), animationPanel.getSize()); double scaleY = animationPanel.getRenderableScale().getYScale(animationPanel.getExtent(), animationPanel.getSize()); Bounds2d extent = animationPanel.getExtent(); animationPanel.setExtent(new Bounds2d(extent.getMinX() - dx * scaleX, extent.getMinX() - dx * scaleX + extent.getDeltaX(), extent.getMinY() + dy * scaleY, extent.getMinY() + dy * scaleY + extent.getDeltaY())); } break; } case "introspect": { if (parts.length == 3) { int x = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); int y = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); List<Locatable> targets = new ArrayList<Locatable>(); try { Point2d point = animationPanel.getRenderableScale().getWorldCoordinates(new Point2D.Double(x, y), animationPanel.getExtent(), animationPanel.getSize()); for (Renderable2dInterface<?> renderable : animationPanel.getElements()) { if (animationPanel.isShowElement(renderable) && renderable.contains(point, animationPanel.getExtent())) { targets.add(renderable.getSource()); } } } catch (Exception exception) { this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "getSelectedObjects"); |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 542 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 601 |
setSpeedFactor(speedFactor); // System.out.println("speed factor changed to " + speedFactor); } catch (NumberFormatException exception) { answer = "<message>Error: " + exception.getMessage() + "</message>"; } } // System.out.println(answer); response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setContentLength(answer.length()); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); response.getWriter().write(answer); response.flushBuffer(); baseRequest.setHandled(true); } /** * @param active boolean; is the simulation active? * @param started boolean; has the simulation been started? * @return XML message to send to the server */ private String controlButtonResponse(final boolean active, final boolean started) { if (!active) { return "<controls>\n" + "<oneEventActive>false</oneEventActive>\n" + "<allEventsActive>false</allEventsActive>\n" + "<startStop>start</startStop>\n" + "<startStopActive>false</startStopActive>\n" + "<resetActive>false</resetActive>\n" + "</controls>\n"; } if (started) { return "<controls>\n" + "<oneEventActive>false</oneEventActive>\n" + "<allEventsActive>false</allEventsActive>\n" + "<startStop>stop</startStop>\n" + "<startStopActive>true</startStopActive>\n" + "<resetActive>false</resetActive>\n" + "</controls>\n"; } else { return "<controls>\n" + "<oneEventActive>true</oneEventActive>\n" + "<allEventsActive>true</allEventsActive>\n" + "<startStop>start</startStop>\n" + "<startStopActive>true</startStopActive>\n" + "<resetActive>false</resetActive>\n" + "</controls>\n"; } } /** * Return the toggle button info for the toggle panel. * @param panel the HtmlAnimationPanel * @return the String that can be parsed by the select.html iframe */ private String getToggles(final HtmlAnimationPanel panel) { String ret = "<toggles>\n"; for (ToggleButtonInfo toggle : panel.getToggleButtons()) { if (toggle instanceof ToggleButtonInfo.Text) { ret += "<text>" + toggle.getName() + "</text>\n"; } else if (toggle instanceof ToggleButtonInfo.LocatableClass) { ret += "<class>" + toggle.getName() + "," + toggle.isVisible() + "</class>\n"; } else if (toggle instanceof ToggleButtonInfo.Gis) { ret += "<gis>" + toggle.getName() + "," + ((ToggleButtonInfo.Gis) toggle).getLayerName() + "," + toggle.isVisible() + "</gis>\n"; } } ret += "</toggles>\n"; return ret; } /** * Returns the simulation speed. * @param simTime double; simulation time * @return simulation speed */ private double getSimulationSpeed(final double simTime) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.lastWallTIme < 0 || this.lastWallTIme == now) { this.lastWallTIme = now; this.prevSimTime = simTime; return Double.NaN; } double speed = (simTime - this.prevSimTime) / (0.001 * (now - this.lastWallTIme)); this.prevSimTime = simTime; this.lastWallTIme = now; return speed; } } |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 465 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 524 |
Object simTimeObject = getSimulator().getSimulatorTime(); double simTime = 0.0; if (simTimeObject instanceof Double) simTime = (double) simTimeObject; else if (simTimeObject instanceof Float) simTime = (float) simTimeObject; else if (simTimeObject instanceof DoubleScalar) simTime = ((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) simTimeObject).si; else if (simTimeObject instanceof FloatScalar) simTime = ((FloatScalar<?, ?>) simTimeObject).si; else if (simTimeObject instanceof Calendar) simTime = ((Calendar) simTimeObject).getTimeInMillis(); double speed = getSimulationSpeed(simTime); String speedText = ""; if (!Double.isNaN(speed)) { speedText = String.format("% 5.2fx ", speed); } answer = speedText; break; } case "getToggles": { answer = getToggles(animationPanel); break; } // we expect something of the form toggle|class|Node|true or toggle|gis|streets|false case "toggle": { if (parts.length != 4) System.err.println("wrong toggle commmand: " + message); else { String toggleName = parts[1]; boolean gis = parts[2].equals("gis"); boolean show = parts[3].equals("true"); if (gis) { if (show) animationPanel.showGISLayer(toggleName); else animationPanel.hideGISLayer(toggleName); } else { if (show) animationPanel.showClass(toggleName); else animationPanel.hideClass(toggleName); } } break; } default: { System.err.println("Got unknown message from client: " + command); answer = "<message>" + request.getParameter("message") + "</message>"; break; } } } if (request.getParameter("slider") != null) { // System.out.println(request.getParameter("slider") + "\n"); try { int value = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("slider")); // values range from 100 to 1400. 100 = 0.1, 400 = 1, 1399 = infinite double speedFactor = 1.0; if (value > 1398) speedFactor = Double.MAX_VALUE; else speedFactor = Math.pow(2.15444, value / 100.0) / 21.5444; |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 87 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 126 |
} } /** * @return title */ public String getTitle() { return this.title; } /** * @return simulator */ public SimulatorInterface<?> getSimulator() { return this.simulator; } /** * @return animationPanel */ public HtmlAnimationPanel getAnimationPanel() { return this.animationPanel; } /** * Try to start the simulator, and return whether the simulator has been started. * @return whether the simulator has been started or not */ protected boolean startSimulator() { if (getSimulator() == null) { System.out.println("SIMULATOR == NULL"); return false; } try { System.out.println("START THE SIMULATOR"); getSimulator().start(); } catch (SimRuntimeException exception) { this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "Problem starting Simulator"); } if (getSimulator().isStartingOrRunning()) { return true; } this.dirtyControls = false; // undo the notification return false; } /** * Try to stop the simulator, and return whether the simulator has been stopped. * @return whether the simulator has been stopped or not */ protected boolean stopSimulator() { if (getSimulator() == null) { return true; } try { System.out.println("STOP THE SIMULATOR"); getSimulator().stop(); } catch (SimRuntimeException exception) { this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "Problem stopping Simulator"); } if (!getSimulator().isStartingOrRunning()) { return true; } this.dirtyControls = false; // undo the notification return false; } /** * @param speedFactor double; the new speed factor */ protected void setSpeedFactor(final double speedFactor) { if (this.simulator instanceof DevsRealTimeAnimator) { ((DevsRealTimeAnimator<?>) this.simulator).setSpeedFactor(speedFactor); } } @Override public void notify(final Event event) throws RemoteException { if (event.getType().equals(SimulatorInterface.START_EVENT)) { this.dirtyControls = true; } else if (event.getType().equals(SimulatorInterface.STOP_EVENT)) { this.dirtyControls = true; } } /** * Delegate handle method from the main web server for this particular model. * @param target t * @param baseRequest br * @param request r * @param response re * @throws IOException on error * @throws ServletException on error */ public void handle(final String target, final Request baseRequest, final HttpServletRequest request, |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 428 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 487 |
Object simTime = getSimulator().getSimulatorTime(); if (simTime instanceof Double || simTime instanceof Float) { double now = Math.round(((double) simTime) * 1000) / 1000d; int seconds = (int) Math.floor(now); int fractionalSeconds = (int) Math.floor(1000 * (now - seconds)); String timeText = String.format(" %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", seconds / 3600, seconds / 60 % 60, seconds % 60, fractionalSeconds); answer = timeText; } else if (simTime instanceof DoubleScalar) { double now = Math.round(((DoubleScalar<?, ?>) simTime).si * 1000) / 1000d; int seconds = (int) Math.floor(now); int fractionalSeconds = (int) Math.floor(1000 * (now - seconds)); String timeText = String.format(" %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", seconds / 3600, seconds / 60 % 60, seconds % 60, fractionalSeconds); answer = timeText; } else if (simTime instanceof FloatScalar) { double now = Math.round(((FloatScalar<?, ?>) simTime).si * 1000) / 1000d; int seconds = (int) Math.floor(now); int fractionalSeconds = (int) Math.floor(1000 * (now - seconds)); String timeText = String.format(" %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d ", seconds / 3600, seconds / 60 % 60, seconds % 60, fractionalSeconds); answer = timeText; } else { answer = simTime.toString(); } break; } case "getSpeed": { Object simTimeObject = getSimulator().getSimulatorTime(); |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebModel.java | 357 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/DsolWebServer.java | 416 |
this.simulator.getLogger().always().warn(exception, "getSelectedObjects"); } if (targets.size() > 0) { Object introspectedObject = targets.get(0); Property[] properties = new BeanIntrospector().getProperties(introspectedObject); SortedMap<String, Property> propertyMap = new TreeMap<>(); for (Property property : properties) propertyMap.put(property.getName(), property); answer = "<introspection>\n"; for (Property property : propertyMap.values()) { answer += "<property><field>" + property.getName() + "</field><value>" + property.getValue() + "</value></property>\n"; } answer += "<introspection>\n"; } else { answer = "<none />"; } } break; } case "zoomIn": { if (parts.length == 1) animationPanel.zoom(0.9); else { int x = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); int y = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); animationPanel.zoom(0.9, x, y); } break; } case "zoomOut": { if (parts.length == 1) animationPanel.zoom(1.1); else { int x = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]); int y = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); animationPanel.zoom(1.1, x, y); } break; } case "zoomAll": { animationPanel.zoomAll(); break; } case "home": { animationPanel.home(); break; } case "toggleGrid": { animationPanel.setShowGrid(!animationPanel.isShowGrid()); break; } case "getTime": { Object simTime = getSimulator().getSimulatorTime(); |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/animation/HtmlGraphics2D.java | 277 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/animation/HtmlGraphics2D.java | 351 |
protected void addTransformPathFloat(Path2D.Float path, boolean fill) { if (fill) this.commands.append("<transformPath>FILL"); else this.commands.append("<transformPath>DRAW"); addAffineTransform(); addColor(this.color); if (fill) { if (path.getWindingRule() == Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD) this.commands.append(",WIND_EVEN_ODD"); else this.commands.append(",WIND_NON_ZERO"); } else { if (this.stroke instanceof BasicStroke) this.commands.append("," + ((BasicStroke) this.stroke).getLineWidth()); else this.commands.append(", 0.1"); } |
File | Line |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/AbstractTestDemoServer.java | 369 |
nl/tudelft/simulation/dsol/web/AbstractTestDemoServer.java | 386 |
answer.append("<doubleScalar key='" + pds.getExtendedKey() + "' name='" + pds.getShortName() + "' description='" + pds.getDescription() + "'><value>" + val + "</value>\n"); for (String unit : units) { Unit<?> unitValue = pds.getUnitParameter().getOptions().get(unit); if (unitValue.equals(pds.getUnitParameter().getValue())) answer.append("<unit chosen='true'>" + unit + "</unit>\n"); else answer.append("<unit chosen='false'>" + unit + "</unit>\n"); } answer.append("</doubleScalar>\n"); |