PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 7.7.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 398413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 402413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 406413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 410413


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'dirtyControls'. 56
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'params'. 209
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 232
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 253


Rule Violation Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'dirtyControls'. 63
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'params'. 268
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 291
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 312


Rule Violation Line
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 178181
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 236239
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 302305

Priority 4


Rule Violation Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary qualifier 'GraphicsDevice': 'TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type 36



Rule Violation Priority Line
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 3 398413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 3 402413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 3 406413
EmptyControlStatement Empty if statement 3 410413


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'dirtyControls'. 3 56
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'params'. 3 209
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 3 232
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 3 253


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnusedPrivateField Avoid unused private fields such as 'dirtyControls'. 3 63
UnusedLocalVariable Avoid unused local variables such as 'params'. 3 268
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 3 291
SimplifiedTernary This conditional expression can be simplified with || or && 3 312


Rule Violation Priority Line
UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName Unnecessary qualifier 'GraphicsDevice': 'TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN' is already in scope because it is inherited by an enclosing type 4 36


Rule Violation Priority Line
CollapsibleIfStatements This if statement could be combined with its parent 3 178181
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 236239
EmptyCatchBlock Avoid empty catch blocks 3 302305